Workplace Diversity


Define diversity and examine the various types of workplace diversity concerns. What are the current prominent strategies for promoting workplace diversity? Identify and examine managerial issues related to diversity


Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations
Ricky W. Griffin, Jean M. Phillips, Stanley M. Gully, 2019
ISBN.13: 978-0-357-04250-2


                                                   Workplace Diversity

Diversity refers to the presence of differences in a given setting, and in a workplace, the differences can be based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, language, individual characteristics, or any other things. Diverse teams do better than homogeneous teams in terms of performance, decision-making, and creativity, as well as have better business results. Diversity extends beyond gender and race to include educational, work experience diversity, and other differences. According to most studies, a single dimension of diversity, such as race or gender, has no benefit on its own (Cho et al., 2017). There are various forms of workplace diversity concerns in organizations.

According to Griffin et al. (2016), surface-level diversity entails observable differences in employees such as race, age, and gender, while deep-level diversity is based on invisible individual differences such as attitudes and decision-making styles. The surface-level diversity entails cultural diversity related to each individual’s ethnicity and differences in norms acquired from family values and in the society we are raised in.……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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