Socratic Seminar World War 2/ Japan attack against US


Identify the 3 most important reasons Japan decided to attack the United States and why. Cite your sources2 sources for this question to include Bell. (2011). Twelve Turning Points of the Second World War (1st). Yale University Press.
Was the US surprised? Should they have been?2 sources for this question to include Bell. (2011). Twelve Turning Points of the Second World War (1st). Yale University Press.


Japan Attack against US


Before the Pearl Harbor attack, there were growing and mounting tensions between Japan and the US. However, various reasons influenced Japan’s decision to attack the US. At first, Japan was dissatisfied by the US efforts tip pass economic sanctions against it (Bell, 2011). The Japanese were not happy about their economic condition where they wanted a better standard of living. Furthermore, businesses needed more raw materials and markets, but they faced American and European competition (Feis, 2015). Even though Japan had lesser resources than Great Britain, USSR, and the US, its goods were barred from some of the world markets. for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:


The attack at Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack for the US because the American forces were completely unprepared for it (Bell, 2011).   Ever since the US established Pearl Harbor as the main base in its Pacific Fleet, it did not expect it to be an easy target for the Japanese. The base at pearl harbor was left relatively undefended because, according to Americans, the Japanese could not attack first at Hawaii, a place located more than 3500 miles away (Feis, 2015). Most thought japan would seize oil-rich Dutch and British colonies in Southeast Asia. Also, there was a potential conflict because the American forces in the Philippines could challenge such a Japanese advance. Therefore, the US was surprised by the prospect of an assault on Hawaii because it was an area that seemed remote (Bell, 2011).……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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