War on Terriorism



Integrate a minimum of five applicable biblical principles throughout your narrative composition to support your position on the issue. The paper will be evaluated using the Unit Assignments and Portfolio Paper rubric (Appendix A).

In Chapter 15, regarding the war on terrorism and its threat to civil liberties of American citizens, select a position on the issue: (a) the war on terrorism poses no threat to the civil liberties of American citizens (NSA ease dropping, TSA); or (b) the war on terrorism poses significant threat to the civil liberties of American citizens.


Impact of War on Terrorism on Civil Liberties of America Citizens

In Politics, the war on terrorism has been a hot topic. After the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001 (9-11), President Bush’s administration made attempts to help crack down on such terrorists and prevent such future attacks (Domke et al., 2006). Consequently, he implemented a wave of legislation aiming to protect American Citizens. Therefore, to determine the impact of war on terrorism on Americans’ civil liberties, this paper will consider the Patriot Act a resulting piece of law of President Bush’s new cause.  Although this Act was aimed to help the government prevent more terrorist attacks and find terrorists, it gave the government more powers than it had prior to the attacks of 9-11. According to Domke et al. (2006), various constitutional questions arise regarding this Act because it allows American citizens’ rights to be set aside when the government suspects that a person is linked to terrorist activities. Moreover, various constitutional amendments such as “First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and the Fourteenth Amendments” imply the right to privacy in the US Constitution. Also, the Supreme Court has used these amendments in various ways, saying that the right to privacy fit in these amendments. Moreover, when Congress fails to define terrorism in Patriot Act’s content, it may have various definitions. The Patriot Act, the leading piece of law in the war on terrorism, directly violates the Constitution. Although some of its parts expired in 2015, some of them were reenacted through 2019; thus, it shaped the American war on terrorism in this times of global terrorism. The Act has various sections against the idea of American citizens implied in the American Constitution. Therefore, the war on terrorism poses a threat to the civil liberties of American citizens.

At first, the Patriot Act has “Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to terrorism,” Section 201 in its Title II. Through this section the government acts against the notion of privacy in the Constitution. Through a constitutional view of this section, this short sentence raises many issues because terrorism definition is still open to different definitions. The definition of terrorism makes a huge difference because it defines how much the government interferes with American citizen’s communications. Therefore, it seems there is a vague definition in the Patriot Act in order to allow potential conflicts and pitfalls of various civil liberties. Moreover, due to this vague definition, the government can violate the…………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address: consulttutor10@gmail.com

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