The US and International Environmental Laws

Environmental Law- Unit VIII



For this assignment, you will write an essay that examines U.S. and international environmental law.

  • The first part of your paper should discuss one U.S. law from each of the following categories: air, water, toxics, waste, energy, and natural resources.
  • Following your overview of the six U.S. environmental laws, select another U.S. environmental law, and describe at least two positive and two negative impacts of the law.
  • Subsequent to your analysis of U.S. laws, explain why there are international environmental agreements.
  • Then, select an international environmental agreement, and discuss it.
  • In the last paragraph, summarize your essay, reflect on what you learned most in the course, and present how the course will help with your career.

In your paper, limit the amount of direct quotations. The vast majority of your paper should contain paraphrased information from your sources and should include your own thoughts on the laws that you present.

Your paper should be at least three pages in length, not counting the title page and references page, and should utilize at least three peer-reviewed articles from the CSU Online Library. The paper is to be written in APA style utilizing a title page and section headings.

The video on How to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources may be helpful for you in researching articles in the CSU Online Library. The transcript for the How to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources video is available as well.


                      The US and International Environmental Laws

Environmental laws are customary laws and regulations that control the impact of human activity on the environment.  Besides being at the center of mitigating environmental pollution, these laws work to protect specific natural resources. This paper will analyze the US environmental laws and the international environmental agreements.


The “Clean Air Act” was ratified in 1970 and aims to regulate gas emissions from various sources. The Environmental Protection Agency (APA) ensures compliance with this law. Moreover, according to Currie and Walker (2019), this Act has provisions that set the acceptable air emissions levels from mobile and stationary sources. This law was amended in 1970 to accommodate emerging issues such as air toxins, acid rain, and ozone depletion.


The “Clean Water Act” was ratified in 1977, where the EPA and other state agencies involved in the matter of clean water enforce it. This Act prevents water sources’ pollution where it makes it unlawful to discharge any pollutant or waste into water bodies without meeting the…………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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