3 Core Values

Question In this essay you will identify and explain 3-5 of your core values. You will also discuss the origins of these core values. Solution                               3 Core Values Core values are an individual’s fundamental beliefs that act as guiding principles, help one differentiate right from wrong and dictate behavior. To me, core values are qualities …

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My Core Values

Question In this discussion, you will share one of your core values, and you will examine the core values of your classmates. Select one of your core values and write 1-2 paragraphs where you: (1) identify the value and explain why it is important to you and (2) tell how you developed this as a …

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Ponzi Schemes: Bernie Madoff and Eron Mortgage Schemes

Question Ponzi Schemes Why do you believe we have the problem in society? (criminological theory) and what should we do to fix the problem? (policy). Discuss bernie madoff and eron mortgage schemes Use the following theories to explain why “we” have a problem with ponzi schemes rational choice theory and conflict theory Solution Bernie Madoff …

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Methods and Methodology

Question Review the resources on Methods (data collection tools) and Methodology (procedures) on Canvas.  Your initial discussion post this week will address topic, research question, participants, informed consent, and interview questions. Use the following outline in writing your post. PARAGRAPH 1: Remind us of your TOPIC. Your Central Research Question (not a sentence, but a question – overall what do …

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Review of Article Questions Sheet: Seeking the help of school counselors

Question `Review of Article Questions Sheet Name: 1) Article/Reference (APA style) 2) The theoretical issue or research question (Identify answer to this question from the title of the journal article, its Abstract, or the end of introduction) 3) Background Information – 3a). Definition of key terms 3b). Important information from studies/theories. (Read all paragraphs in …

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