Review of Article Questions Sheet: Seeking the help of school counselors


`Review of Article Questions Sheet


1) Article/Reference (APA style)

2) The theoretical issue or research question (Identify answer to this question from the title of the journal article, its Abstract, or the end of introduction)

3) Background Information –

3a). Definition of key terms

3b). Important information from studies/theories. (Read all paragraphs in the introduction/literature review of the journal article carefully and provide important information from each paragraph).

4) The specific hypotheses of the study

5) Independent Variable(s)/Predictor Variable(s)

5a) How did the author(s) operationalize the variables?

6) Dependent Variable(s)/Outcome Variable(s)

6a) How did the author(s) operationalize the variables?

7) Participants


8) Procedures

9) Instruments

10) The results/findings of the study (Interpret the results as best as you can. Merely listing the numbers without understanding them is not helpful)

11) The Conclusions / Discussion

12) Future Research Areas



Review of Article Questions Sheet


1) Article/Reference (APA style)

Shtapura-Ifrah, M., & Benish-Weisman, M. (2019). Seeking the help of school counselors: Cross-cultural differences in mothers’ knowledge, attitudes, and help-seeking behavior. International Journal of Intercultural Relations69, 110-119.

2) The theoretical issue or research question (Identify answer to this question from the title of the journal article, its Abstract, or the end of introduction)

This study aims to determine the cross-cultural differences between mothers’ knowledge, attitudes, and help-seeking behavior regarding school counselors and find the relationship between these variables and service utilization.

3) Background Information –

3a). Definition of key terms

In the introduction, this study defines the keywords including cross-cultural differences, school counselor, immigrants, help-seeking behavior knowledge, and attitudes, making it easier for one to follow and understand the rest of the research.

3b). Important information from studies/theories. (Read all paragraphs in the introduction/literature review of the journal article carefully and provide important information from each paragraph).

According to previous studies, there are differences in parental treatment options and knowledge of help services across cultural groups. Also, cultural norms, values, and beliefs significantly impact the help-seeking attitudes of a given group, which also shapes help-seeking behavior. Lastly, majority groups have higher rates of help-seeking than immigrant and ethnic minority groups, but the need for help is the same across all the groups. However, sometimes it can be lower in majority groups. The researchers defined the variables in this study adequately in the introduction, thus providing an idea of the direction of the research.

4) The specific hypotheses of the study

The researchers hypothesized that immigrant mothers have lower knowledge, lesser attitude, and lower chances of seeking help for their children from school counselors than Israeli-born others. Also, with culture being a moderator, they hypothesized that there is a positive relationship between the knowledge and attitude of seeking help and help-seeking behavior……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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