PSY-452 Research Report: The Effectiveness of The Media Use in Teaching at The University

In PSY-452 (PSY-452 Research Report):  you completed the Research Report assignment titled ‘benchmark-research report’. In this course you will revise components from the PSY-452 assignment and use those revised components to create a research proposal at the end of this course. You should treat this assignment as a potential portfolio piece or writing sample for future grad school applications or job interview.

In 1,250-1,500 words, revise the literature review from the PSY-452 Research Report.
Using the peer-reviewed journal articles included on your Title and Reference Page assignment, add additional information to the literature review section. Keep in mind the purpose of this literature review (PSY-452 Research Report) is to provide background information and research that is related to the topic being proposed to study. Within the sections being added/revised, make sure to include the following:

  1. Using information from the Identifying Themes in Literature assignment, create headings and subheadings to organize the research in the literature review section. Avoid using direct quotes. Remember you are not writing article summaries.
  2. Expand the list of resources included in the  Title Page and Reference assignment by incorporating updated articles to the literature review section. Cite a minimum of 13-15 peer-reviewed journal articles.

Solution: PSY-452 Research Report

(PSY-452 Research Report)

                                             Literature Review


In this research, the term social media is used to describe networked tools used by groups, people or sets of individuals to create, share or consume content. Additionally, the term social networking is one of the social media aspects in which people in communities share their interests and ideas or look to meet individuals with common interests and ideas (Ozdamli and Hursen, 2017). Social media platforms regarded in this research include Twitter, Facebook, Linkedln In, WhatsApp, Myspace, Skype, WeChat, as well as other individual blog and web sites.

 Benefits of Social Media Integration in Higher Education Teaching and Learning

Significant Educational Benefit

Many researchers have appreciated and understood the value and learning designs that social media integration adds to formal education. For instance, Ansar and Khan (2020) argue that integrating informal social media tools in teaching and learning increases support and opportunities for cooperative and collaborative learning. Social media integration in learning increases students’ potential interaction and awareness of others, specifically by providing multicultural learning opportunities and exposure (Chugh & Ruhi, 2018).

Moreover, as Hamadi et al. (2021) state, besides enhancing digital or media literacy, incorporating social media in the teaching and learning process in universities increases motivation and enhances participation in social, institutional and political activities. Also, social capital acquisition, personal identity, and academic growth are benefits of social media use in teaching at the university (De Souza et al., 2017).

Time and Place Mobility and Enhanced Students’ Potential Value

The list of benefits of social media integration in universities is long and growing, therefore offering evidence of its increasing benefits and demonstrating the benefits to educational institutions and teachers. It is essential to note that social media benefits formal education with more than just going online. According to Naciri et al. (2020), it adds online or blended components to a course that help enhance place and time mobility to the programme.

Such use also leads to increased opportunities for digital literacy gains. In addition, the social media components added to teaching and learning in colleges improved the potential value of students by helping them learn with regard to their own preferences, own learning goals, and own interests by integrating them into their learning experiences (Repswal, 2018)……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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