Check-Up 1: Solution for Check-Up Assignmet

Question (Check-Up)

Required Resources for Check-Up Assignment
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 2, 3
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to course text)

Instructions for Check-Up Assignment
For this Check-Up, your patient is a 43-year-old female. She is 4 months pregnant for the first time, and she never expected to get pregnant as she believed herself to be infertile. She has enjoyed 2 glasses of wine each night her entire first trimester because she read a few articles by some renowned international obstetricians who suggested that having a glass of red wine during pregnancy is healthy to maintain normal blood pressure, and to reduce anxiety levels.

Your patient, Claudia, wants to know if it’s important for her to stop drinking her red wine each night, or if the warnings given by her family are just “super strict and overly protective.” Claudia needs facts to change her mind about this topic. As her Nurse/health care investigator, can you explain to her what the risks are for her to continue drinking 2 glasses of wine every night while she is pregnant? Do you think that you should also address other factors like her age, first time pregnancy, etc.? Use your Nurse/health care-Investigator skills and present the facts to her.

Writing Requirements for Check-Up Assignment (APA format)

  • Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • Reference page (minimum of 1 outside scholarly source in addition to course text)
  • In-text citations

Grading (Check-Up)
This activity will be graded using the Essay Grading Rubric.

Course Outcomes (CO): 4, 5 (Check-Up)

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

Rubric (Check-Up)

PSYC290 Week 1 Assignment (Check-Up)

PSYC290 Week 1 Assignment
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Content60 pts Addresses all aspects of the questions, applying professional knowledge, and research regarding weekly concepts. 51 pts Addresses most aspects of the questions, applying professional knowledge, , and research regarding weekly

Reading Materials (Check-Up)

4 Heredity-Environment Interaction: The Nature-Nurture Debate

Learning Goal 4 Explain some of the ways that heredity and environment interact to produce individual differences in development.

Behavior Genetics

Heredity-Environment Correlations

The Epigenetic View and Gene × Environment (G × E) Interaction

Conclusions About Heredity-Environment Interaction


Jim Springer and Jim Lewis are identical twins.Page 49 They were separated at 4 weeks of age and did not see each other again until they were 39 years old. Both worked as part-time deputy sheriffs, vacationed in Florida, drove Chevrolets, had dogs named Toy, and married and divorced women named Betty. One twin named his son James Allan, and the other named his son James Alan. Both liked math but not spelling, enjoyed carpentry and mechanical drawing, chewed their fingernails down to the nubs, had almost identical drinking and smoking habits, had hemorrhoids, put on 10 pounds at about the same point in development, first suffered headaches at the age of 18, and had similar sleep patterns.

Jim and Jim do have some differences. One wears his hair over his forehead, the other slicks it back and has sideburns. One expresses himself best orally; the other is more proficient in writing. But, for the most part, their profiles are remarkably similar.

Another pair of identical twins, Daphne and Barbara, are called the “giggle sisters” because after being reunited they were always making each other laugh. A thorough search of their adoptive families’ histories revealed no gigglers. The giggle sisters ignored stress, avoided conflict and controversy whenever possible, and showed no interest in politics.

Jim and Jim and the giggle sisters were part of the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, directed by Thomas Bouchard and his colleagues. The study brings identical twins (identical genetically because they come from the same fertilized egg) and fraternal twins (who come from different fertilized eggs) from all over the world to Minneapolis to investigate their lives. There the twins complete personality and intelligence tests, and they provide detailed medical histories, including information about diet and smoking, exercise habits, chest X-rays, heart stress tests, and EEGs. The twins are asked more than 15,000 questions about their family and childhood, personal interests, vocational orientation, values, and aesthetic judgments (Bouchard & others, 1990).

topical connections looking back

The “Introduction” chapter introduced the field of life-span development, including discussion of three key categories of developmental processes: biological, cognitive, and socioemotional. In this chapter, we lay the foundation of the biological aspects of development. Biological processes, guided by genes, influence an individual’s development in every period of the human life span. The forthcoming discussion of genetics and the previous discussion of theories (psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioral and social cognitive, ethological, and ecological) provide a knowledge base from which to examine one of life-span development’s major issues and debates—how strongly development is influenced by heredity (nature) and the environment (nurture).

When genetically identical twins whoPage 50 were separated as infants show such striking similarities in their tastes and habits and choices, can we conclude that their genes must have caused the development of those tastes and habits and choices? Other possible causes need to be considered. The twins shared not only the same genes but also some experiences. Some of the separated twins lived together for several months prior to their adoption; some of the twins had been reunited prior to testing (in some cases, many years earlier); adoption agencies often place twins in similar homes; and even strangers who spend several hours together and start comparing their lives are likely to come up with some coincidental similarities (Joseph, 2006). The Minnesota study of identical twins points to both the importance of the genetic basis of human development and the need for further research on genetic and environmental factors (Lykken, 2001). We will discuss twin studies in more detail in the section on behavior genetics later in this chapter.


The examples of Jim and Jim and the giggle sisters stimulate us to think about our genetic heritage and the biological foundations of our existence. However, organisms are not like billiard balls, moved by simple external forces to predictable positions on life’s table. Environmental experiences and biological foundations work together to make us who we are. Our coverage of life’s biological beginnings focuses on evolution, genetic foundations, challenges and choices regarding reproduction, and the interaction of heredity and environment.

1 The Evolutionary Perspective

LG1 Discuss the evolutionary perspective on life-span development.

Natural Selection and Adaptive Behavior

Evolutionary Psychology

In evolutionary time, humans are relative newcomers to Earth. As our earliest ancestors left the forest to feed on the savannahs and then to form hunting societies on the open plains, their minds and behaviors changed, and they eventually established humans as the dominant species on Earth. How did this evolution come about?


Natural selection is the evolutionary process by which those individuals of a species that are best adapted are the ones that survive and leave the most fit offspring. To understand what this means, let’s return to the middle of the nineteenth century, when British naturalist Charles Darwin was traveling around the world, observing many different species of animals in their natural surroundings. Darwin, who published his observations and thoughts in On the Origin of Species (1859), noted that most organisms reproduce at rates that would cause enormous increases in the population of most species and yet populations remain nearly constant. He reasoned that an intense, constant struggle for food, water, and resources must occur among the many young born each generation, because many of the young do not survive. Those that do survive and reproduce pass on some of their characteristics to the next generation. Darwin argued that these survivors are better adapted to their world than are the nonsurvivors (Audesirk, Audesirk, & Byers, 2017; Hoefnagels, 2018). The best-adapted individuals survive to

Solution (Check-Up)





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While experts are unsure about how much alcohol –if any-is completely safe for pregnant mothers to have, the safest approach is to stop drinking while you are expecting. The safest approach of not drinking at all when you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant helps minimize the risks to your baby.   Alcohol is linked to multiple problems for your baby at any time while you are expecting and, in some cases, even before you know or confirm that you are pregnant. Two glasses of red wine may seem a small amount, but continuing to drink alcohol increases the likelihood of your baby having a premature birth. Thus, consuming alcohol regardless of the amount when you are pregnant increases the risks of harm to your fetus, with the more alcohol consumed, the higher the risk.

At first, during pregnancy, as Santrock (2019) states, there is blood flow between the pregnant woman and the baby through the placenta and umbilical cord. As a result, almost any chemical or drug substance you ingest can cross the placenta to some degree unless it is altered or metabolized during passage or has too large molecules to pass the placental wall (Santrock, 2019). Therefore, the transfer of alcohol as well as other drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and nicotine through the placenta is of special concern because they can be harmful to the developing organism……………for help with this assignment contact (Check-Up) us via email Address:

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