Preparing for The Learning Environment Project


Please use the template provided – each question should be about a page response with 1-2 sources. 

The same source can be cited in mulitple questions. 5 minimum sources total. 

Component 1

  • You will explain your vision of the ideal learning environment for the age and subject you intend to teach in a 3 – 5 page original paper (12 point font, double spaced)  The paper should be professionally written and typed using correct grammar and spelling.  Use the response template to respond to each question.
    1. How do you create and maintain a mutually respectful and collaborative class of actively engaged learners? Include how it responds to student needs and incorporates student strengths and personal experiences.
    2. What strategies would you use to build relationships with your students?
    3. How would you physically organize the classroom to ensure flexibility and accommodate the learning needs of all students including those with disabilities? Consider things such as the three zones of proximity and furniture.
    4. Explain how your behavior management plan (see below) supports this vision.

Support the strategies you choose with research. For example, you could say something like “According to the work of Dr. I.M. Authority, primary students need structure to feel secure.  Therefore, our day will be structured in the following ways…”  Please note that you will not pass the project if you do not properly cite your research.  You can use any recognized style format (APA, MLA, Chigago) with which you are comfortable.  


Explain your vision of the ideal learning environment for the age and subject you intend to teach in a 3 – 5 page original paper. You must answer the questions below, using a 12 point font and double spaced. Then, complete the behavior management plan that supports your vision using the form provided.

  1. How do you create and maintain a mutually respectful and collaborative class of actively engaged learners? Include how it responds to student needs and incorporates student strengths and personal experiences.
  • What strategies will you use to build relationships with students? Use research to support your selection of these strategies and identify and explain the research.
  • How will you physically organize your classroom to ensure flexibility and accommodate the learning needs of all students including those with disabilities? Consider things such as the three zones of proximity and furniture.
  • Explain how your behavior management plan supports your vision for the ideal learning environment.
  • Using the template below, create a behavior management plan designed to create and maintain your ideal learning environment. Your behavior management plan must include:
  • 3 – 5 positively worded rules that you can consistently enforce
  • 3 – 5 expectations that encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning and instill a culture of individual and group accountability
  • Procedures for at least 3 – 5 common classroom tasks, such as returning graded work, turning in make-up work, handing out materials, going to lunch/being dismissed from class, sharpening pencils, going to the restroom, etc


Text Box:




PROCEDURES (at least 3)

TASK 1:    
TASK 2:    
TASK 3:    
TASK 4:    
  TASK 5:    



Explain your vision of the ideal learning environment for the age and subject you intend to teach in a 3 – 5 page original paper. You must answer the questions below, using a 12 point font and double spaced. Then, complete the behavior management plan that supports your vision using the form provided.

  1. How do you create and maintain a mutually respectful and collaborative class of actively engaged learners? Include how it responds to student needs and incorporates student strengths and personal experiences.

For my future Mathematics 3rd grade class, my vision for an ideal learning environment is one that provides students with opportunities and tools to succeed, balances the needs of every student, allows students to support each other without compromising their goals and ensures the students are active and engaged throughout the learning course. 

Various strategies will be used to create and maintain a positive classroom environment. The first strategy is shared authority. Traditionally, the teacher had the entire authority to design learning tasks, set goals, and assess what was learned. In a study evaluating the success and challenges of shared authority in a classroom, Kinser-Traut and Turner (2020) found that collaborative learning encourages learners to decide and set their own goals within the framework of what the teacher will be instructing. As a result, students have an opportunity to suggest assignments or activities that are in line with their goals and interests and assess what they have learned.  There is also a great focus on listening to other students and treating differing claims and opinions with patience and respect rather than strictly following the clear right and wrong structure.

Another strategy is mixed student grouping which and according to Tereshchenko et al. (2019), aims at sharing as much experience and knowledge as possible, so it makes sense to group learners with a variety of cultural backgrounds and skillsets. It is essential to note that conventional “ability” segregation is not encouraged since all students should have an opportunity to contribute and appreciate others’ contributions. The nature of collaboration in mixed student grouping is that every student has something to learn from another regardless of the perceived ability or academic status.

The last strategy is the teacher as a mediator. When authority and knowledge are shared among teachers and learners, the teacher’s role should increasingly shift away from the form of a director and take the form of a mediator. As Urhahne (2015) suggests, as a mediator, the teacher will help learners link new information to their own experiences, provide guidance on how to learn, and help when a group is stuck. Contrary to the spoon-feeding approach, the focus is to change the level of information and support to enhance students’ ability to be responsible for their own learning (Urhahne, 2015).

  • What strategies will you use to build relationships with students? Use research to support your selection of these strategies and identify and explain the research.……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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