Narrative Exposure Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Theory


Objective: Reflect on how you as a counselor or care worker might feel if you were leading a client through the CBT or NET therapies to come into healing.

Mindset: Appreciate how your own life experiences may well come to the surface when you are working with your clients and hold yourself accountable to continue to do your own internal “work.”


Reflect on the healing that takes place through effective application of CBT or NET. As you contemplate your involvement, become aware of how your own skills and experiences (do or will) come into play as you lead clients through the healing process.

  • Review Briere and Scott, Ch. 11
  • Review Schauer, Neuner, & Elbert, Ch. 3.
  • In a 2-page double-spaced journal entry, reflect on the two therapeutic models (CBT and NET) as interventions. Which one seems more conducive to healing and restoration to normal activities? What comes up for you as you lead (or anticipate leading) a client through these interventions?


        Narrative Exposure Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Theory

Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) and Cognitive Behavioral Theory (CBT) are treatments for trauma disorders. At first, NET is a treatment for trauma disorders in survivors of complex and multiple trauma. This approach builds on the theory of the dual representation of memories caused by traumatic experiences[1]. Additionally, NET contextualizes the specific associate elements of cognitive and affective traumatic memories to understand and process a traumatic event’s memory in the course of a particular client’s life[2]. Thus, in this treatment approach, the therapists assist the clients to construct chronological narratives in their lives’ stories with an emphasis on traumatic experiences[3]. In this approach, fragmented reports in a client’s traumatic experiences are transformed into a coherent narrative. As a result, NET enables a patient to reflect their entire life as a whole, thus encouraging a sense of personal identity.

On the other hand, Cognitive Behavioral Theory (CBT) treatment for trauma disorders that describes unhelpful thoughts, patterns, and perceptions such as always expecting catastrophic outcomes, overgeneralizing bad outcomes and negative thinking that affects positive thinking and identifying their impact on people’s behavior, emotions, and thinking patterns[4].…………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

[1] Schauer, Maggie, Margarete Schauer, Frank Neuner, and Thomas Elbert. Narrative exposure therapy: A short-term treatment for traumatic stress disorders. Hogrefe Publishing, 2011, p. 37.

[2] Schauer, Maggie, Margarete Schauer, Frank Neuner, and Thomas Elbert. Narrative exposure therapy, 2011, p. 49.

[3] Schauer, Maggie, Margarete Schauer, Frank Neuner, and Thomas Elbert, p. 46.

[4] Briere, John N., and Catherine Scott. Principles of trauma therapy: A guide to symptoms, evaluation, and treatment (DSM-5 update). Sage Publications, 2014, p. 238.

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