HKU SPACE Community College: Histories, Societies and Identities: Connecting the Past to the Present: Outside classroom learning activity (15%) – a Logbook for Thought


HKU SPACE Community College

Histories, Societies and Identities: Connecting the Past to the Present

Outside classroom learning activity (15%) – a Logbook for Thought

Deadline: 6 December 2021


  1. You will choose one issue (global or local; political, economic, cultural) starting from this week. They should then keep a record on how this particular issue is being reported and interpreted by social media (3 to 4 pieces of news articles / journal articles etc.). The issue that you will choose should not overlap the contents of the individual essay and group project that you will attempt.
  • By the end of the semester, you should write a short reflective piece of work (about 500 words) to explain:
  1. Why that issue is considered by you as important;
  2. What people have done to deal with that issue;
  3. The effectiveness;
  • Finally, you need to evaluate how and, why, that issue has affected (or will affect) their lives.
  • The reflective essay and the logbook (i.e., 3 to 4 the news clippings / journal articles etc.) will have to be submitted for grading. This small exercise gives an opportunity to you to connect themselves with the happenings of the world, and aims to let you make sense of the concept of being a ‘global citizen’.
  • To receive a high grade, this essay needs to be more than just a story, a straightforward narrative of events. You need to contextualise this story, i.e., associate this issue with, say, (i) your life (ii) in a global social and political context etc.
  • There is no need to include footnote references or a bibliography, but you will need to do so if you refer to other people’s work in your assignment.

Grade Descriptor (for general reference only):

Grade A

The theme is well chosen.

The piece of work shows clear evidence of independent thinking, and the student is able to analyse the issue in global context with historical / political / social awareness. The approach is critical and has a perceptive, with clear and consistent arguments

Organisation is concise and easy to read.

Grade B

The theme is well chosen.

The piece of work shows evidence of independent thinking, but a bit narrative. The student shows an attempt to analyse the issue in global context with historical / political / social awareness, though may not be successful.

The approach is quite critical and has a perceptive, with clear and consistent arguments

Organisation is concise and generally clear.

Grade C

The student has difficulty in delivering a clear theme for assessment.

The piece of work is mainly narrative and descriptive (i.e., a factual account on the development of the event / issue), and the student cannot demonstrate an independent thinking and critical analysis of the issue in this assignment.

Arguments are not clear, if any, and not consistent. The significance of the theme is not highlighted.

Organisation is not clear and there is grammar / spelling problems.

Grade D

The significance of the theme is not highlighted.

The piece of work is just narrative and no reflection upon the significance of the issue at all.

Arguments are either lacking or not convincing.

The marker has difficulty in making sense of the piece of work.

Grade F

The piece of work lacks organization, not structured and full of grammatical mistakes.

The student shows no attempt to define the theme, and highlight its significance at all.

The student shows difficulties in narrating the chosen theme / issue.

The marker has difficulty in understanding the arguments.



This year, the Taliban took control of Afghanistan after a war of almost two decades. However, with the former democratic governance in Afghanistan gone, it is still problematic whether the Taliban rule is eligible for international recognition, especially taking the United Nations (UN) seat that Afghanistan previously occupied. Even though the Taliban has made efforts of displaying a different image to the international community ever since announcing an interim government, especially through its claims that it has a new approach to governance, it has failed to gain international recognition. For instance, in efforts to convince the international government that it is meeting the precondition of recognition, the Taliban have banned forced marriage of women in the country as a way of showing their commitment to women’s rights.

 Despite such efforts, this issue is important at a global level because if the UN and other states recognize the Taliban and allow it to take Afghanistan’s place in the UN, it would have serious international and domestic implications as well as undermine some crucial principles of international law especially with regard to tolerating terrorism……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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