Creating a Cast Study – Understanding the Gap in Leadership: ZECH Case Study


Creatively provide goals and strategies and reflexively evaluate the strategies of creating a case study regards to the gaps within leadership and within an organization. This should effectively speak to but not limited to the following:

·       Synopsis/Executive Summary. Outline the purpose of the case study.

·       Findings. Identify the problems found in the case.

·       Discussion. Summaries the major problem/s.

·       Conclusion.

·       Recommendations.

·       Implementation

Please note you have free range in creating this case study scenario and to which leadership theories you decided to choose for usage.


                                          ZECH Case Study

                                         Executive Summary

Leadership and management are significant in an organization, especially in guiding it towards achieving set objectives and goals. When changes impact a company’s strategic plan, it still relies on the leadership and management to guide it through these changes. Leadership strategies are viewed as the perfect solution to help organizations deal with the issues during change. On the other hand, gaps in leadership are viewed as the causes of failure during such changes in an organization. Regarding previous literature, Pasomte (2009) suggests that “Organizations need Leadership that will implement the changes in regard to their capability.” Four main areas in leadership are linked to gaps in leadership, but when they are addressed adequately, they form the basis of a superior leadership strategy that will lead to exemplary leadership in the organization.   The factors include the quality desired in the leaders’ selection, the quantity of leadership at every location and level, behavior and skills needed to implement as well as leadership culture and leadership-employee relations (Bucolo et al., 2012). This paper will consider ZECH, a leading online travel company in the US that currently stands with over 3.5 million customers since its inception in 2007. With thousands of hotels contracted in over 500 cities across the US, the organization pioneer American largest platform for domestic hotels presently. However, the company has failed to adapt to most of its changes, thus leaving its future uncertain. Change is viewed as a perfect way to create leadership capabilities, but it has exposed the gaps in leadership for this company. This paper will identify these leadership gaps and recommend possible solutions to improve ZECH’s leadership quality. ……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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