Drug Addiction


Chapter 9 – Choose and respond to one of the following questions:

  1. How would you approach the treatment of addictions as a provider? For example, would you follow a abstinence-based or harm reduction approach? What interventions would you use or recommend?
  2. What policies would you advocate for or fight against? (e.g. insurance changes, government/state laws, reduced jail time for offenders, etc.) 
  3. What kind of educational topics or skills training do you think would be useful for addicts to learn about? List at least 3 and reasons why they might be beneficial.

Chapter 10 – Choose and respond to one of the following questions:

  1. Choose one of the 11 “Pre-existing psychiatric mental disorders” (on page 10.13) (I would advise you chose one that you are personally or in relation to a loved one – interested in). What is the relationship between this disorder and the abuse of drugs (For example, how/which symptoms are worsened, permanent damages/changes, resemblance of psychosis and intoxication, relationship between substance use and specific mental disorder). Please note that your response should discuss how a pre-existing mental illness can lead to substance abuse or addiction. 
  2. A topic that comes up often in my dealings with clients with co-occurring disorders (mental health and substance abuse diagnoses) is that some clients refuse to take psychiatric medications because it is “replacing one addiction with another” or “Why can’t I just self-medicate instead of taking prescription medications?” Come up with a response to these type of distrustful comments by clients that (1) serves to validate their feelings AND  (2) provides psychoeducation on the purpose of psychopharmacology.  

Final Thoughts

Reflect on your progress throughout this semester. You can use the following questions as guides for your answer, although you do not have to write in this format specifically:

  • What did you learn?
  • What moved you? 
  • What biases/judgments/preconceived notions did you have about addiction/addicts prior to this class? Have these been disproven or proven throughout your readings and other supplemental material? How so? 
  • If there is one thing you are taking away from this course, what is it? 

Remember the grading criteria:

Original post (35 points) should be: at least 500 words in length and cite the chapters and/or supplemental material being covered in that module at least 3 times. For example: (Inaba & Cohen, 2014) or (Inaba & Cohen, 2014, p. 3.38) for direct quotes. 


                                          Drug Addiction

Recovering from an addiction is not just a mental and emotional task but a physical one too. Thus as a provider, I would follow an abstinence-based approach to foster a client’s recovery from addiction. In this approach, the primary goal is to help ensure recovery without any access to other drugs or various medications that can help the client with the effects of drug withdrawal (Inaba & Cohen, 2014). I would use this approach because I believe that the only way to prevent substance abuse is by avoiding it completely. Since certain substances like alcohol lower inhibitions and increases the risk of relapse because of poor judgment, a client struggling with drug addiction cannot successfully recover without full abstinence (Inaba & Cohen, 2014). Abstinence-based based recovery has various benefits, including removing all forms of temptation for the client. Furthermore, it ensures that the client will not develop another drug addiction, thus eventually switching out one addiction with another. Therefore, with my client having no access to any type of substance that leads to relapse, there is a greater chance of making a full recovery.

There are various preexisting psychiatric disorders, but of interest, depressive disorders are mental health problems frequently co-occurring with substance abuse (Inaba & Cohen, 2014). Those who suffer from depressive disorders are at greater risk of abusing substances than those without the disorder……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address: consulttutor10@gmail.com

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