Article Review


Article: Landau, J., Mittal, M., & Wieling, E. (2008). Linking human systems: Strengthening individuals, families, and communities in the wake of mass trauma. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy34(2), 193-209.

A. Summary of the Article
Write a concise (1 paragraph) overview of the article. Include the purpose for the article, any research that may have been conducted and the methods used to do so, and any results from the study or other important information that the researcher may have collected or commented on relevant to our purposes.

B. Conclusions and Implications
Discuss in 1–2 paragraphs the implications the results of the study may have. Is the information that has been collected useful or practical? Did you agree with the major points of the article or were there any areas of particular concern? Was the article well written and easy to read, or was the information presented in a manner that made it difficult to understand or apply in the real world?

C. Overall Assessment
Give a short 1–2 paragraph overall assessment of the article. Discuss any particular strengths or weaknesses within the study or in the writing. Highlight the benefits, or changes that you might make personally as a result of the information found in the study.


                                                    Article Review

Families are significant in how a community deals and recovers from mass trauma. In the article “Linking Human Systems: Strengthening individuals, families, and communities in the wake of mass trauma” by Landau et al. (2008), the authors propose the Link Approach as a framework to help families recover in the aftermath of mass trauma and cope with the consequences human-made or natural disasters. This article aims to give an overview of this framework based on how individuals, families, and communities can face disasters, crises, and trauma through resilience rather than vulnerability.  At first, the article uses a case study of how successfully Family Links can help professionals and their clients …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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