Article Critique – Non-Experimental Designs


For this assignment, again, it is beneficial that you keep the topic you would like to research for the capstone proposal in mind. The capstone will require a literature review for your proposal, of which you may use articles obtained during this course.

Select a peer-reviewed, non-experimental research study that exemplifies a correlational and quasi-experimental design (use keywords method, results, and discussion in your Boolean search). These studies can be found using tools such as the GCU Library and Google Scholar.

Write a 500-750-word paper in which you:

  1. Compare the research design of the two studies chosen.
  2. Were the research designs appropriate to their hypothesis (the goal of the research or research question)? Why or why not?
  3. Discuss the limitations of drawing conclusions from a non-experimental study.
  4. Did the study have a random sample? Were there other problems that were noticed?


        Non-Experimental Designs

In situations where an experiment isn’t desirable, non-experimental designs and approaches are frequently used. In order to study behaviors in natural settings, non-experimental methods are frequently used to test a hypothesis in an existing real-life situation. According to Myers et al. (2012), non-experimental approaches can be generalized to a larger population and have a high level of external validity, so researchers may prefer them.

A correlational design and a quasi-experimental design are two types of non-experimental designs used in the studies by Tham et al. (2018) and Kellett and Lees (2019). In order to investigate the relationship between two variables, correlational designs are used, like in the study by Tham et al. (2018). A change in one variable causes a change in the other when the variables are correlated. As used in the study by Kellett and Lees (2019), a quasi-experimental design may appear to be similar to a traditional experiment, but it lacks the manipulation of a variable. They’re most commonly used to investigate the effects of various treatments or to track changes in a variable over time. As Myer et al. (2012) state researchers compare different groups of subjects and look for differences or changes over time in correlational studies, whereas in quasi-experiments, researchers compare different groups of subjects and look for differences or changes over time.

In the study by Tham et al. (2018), containing a total of 92 participants, a correlational research study was carried out. The primary goal of this research was to look into the factors that influence medication adherence in schizophrenia inpatients in Singapore (Tham et al., 2018) .……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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