DQ Questions


DQ 1: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following non-experimental designs:

  • naturalistic observations
  • phenomenological studies
  • case studies
  • archival studies

If you were asked to use one of these designs in a study next week, which non-experimental design would you select and why?

DQ 2: Discuss examples of when a naturalistic observational study would be the most appropriate design to select.

Reference to use:

 Myers, A., & Hansen, C. H. (2012). Experimental psychology (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. ISBN-13: 9780495602316–


                                   DQ Questions

Psychologists and other social scientists commonly use naturalistic observation studies, which entails observing subjects in their natural environments. Naturalistic observation has a number of advantages, including the ability to study things that would be impossible to study or control in a lab setting, as well as the ability to provide external validity for the research (Myers & Hansen, 2012). Some disadvantages include the fact that it takes much longer and that if the subject is aware that they are being observed, it is much easier for them to be biased. According to Myers and Hansen (2012), this type of observation also leaves room for bias on the part of the researcher(s) in reaching a conclusion. Regarding phenomenological research, its advantages include taking less time and resources and helping in the development of new theories. Some drawbacks include the fact that it is an artificial study, making it difficult for the researcher to analyze the results and interpret the findings (Myers & Hansen, 2012) .……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address: consulttutor10@gmail.com

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