The Person and Their Crime


After watching the YouTube video, you are to pick one of the murderers talked about in the video.  You are to research the individual and crime(s) committed and write an essay on the person and their crime.  How old was the murderer when they first murdered?  How many murders?  Who were the victims?  Were there any underlying conditions?  These are some suggested questions to answer.


Barry Loukaitis

On February 2, 1996, the day of the shooting, Barry Loukaitis was fourteen years old as he entered his school Frontier High School in Moses lake dressed like a west-style gunslinger armed with two pistols and a hunting rifle (Fox & Levin, 2003). He entered the algebra class and took the class hostage. Moreover, he killed three people, including Leona Caires, his algebra teacher, and two students Arnie Fritz and Manual Vela. According to Gladwell (2015), Loukaitis also shot a girl in the arm and injured other students before John Lane, a gym teacher, overpowered him. He was arrested on the same day of the shooting.

In court, Loukaitis pleaded not guilty by reason of mental illness, while the defense argued that he was living in a fantasy world and influenced by psychological delusions. They also argued that he was a sick teenager who suffered severe neglect from his parents (Fast, 2008). It was determined that he had a dysfunctional family life. With his parents divorced, his mother repeatedly told him her plans of committing double suicide in front of his father and his father’s girlfriend. Due to his father’s womanizing and drinking problems, his parents were fighting a lot …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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