The Constitution


Students will examine the major debates surrounding distribution of powers, legislative representation and individual rights; explore the unique interests of small and large states, slave and non-slave states, and North and South; and examine philosophical and religious assumptions about the role of government.

Ketcham: Henry 6/5/88, Centinel 1, Pennsylvania Minority, Brutus 1, Brutus XI, XII, XV

Johnson: Part 2 (pp. 177–211)

Rossiter: Introduction, Nos. 1, 10, 17, 51, 78

Kelly et al.: chs. 6–7, Appendix (U.S. Constitution)

James 1:19-26


The Constitution

In the “Great Debate,” anti-federalists argued through a Judeo-Christian principle that people were entirely free in the state of nature. Some rights were for the common good in society, but others were fundamentally important that giving them up was against the common good. Therefore, in their argument, through the Bill of Rights and the people could have retained these fundamental rights, and the limits of the government would have been clearly defined. The Bill of Rights would enable the people to know when their rights are threatened. Thus for anti-federalists, the Bill of Rights was necessary for the Constitution because the “Articles of Confederation” did protect the people from the federal government’s oppressive acts because the Constitution was to serve as the supreme law of the land …………for help with this or any other assignment contact us via Email Address:

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