Sociology: Exploring Religion


Due to the Covid Virus, many churches, temples, and other religious institutions have moved to virtual delivery of services.   This creates an opportunity to explore other religions.  

This weeks assignment is worth 5 points.  

Many religious services occur over the weekend.  You will be granted an automatic extension if you submit what religious service(s) you plan to experience by the deadline of Saturday night. 

You need to experience either one in person or two different virtual religious services.   Use your sociological imagination as you watch the service.   Then complete a two+  page write up that explains your experience (although to do a good job, you will likely need three to four pages).


  • Any virtual service that you observe must be current – this  or last week.  
  • If you watch the experience virtually, you must experience two different religious organizations.  If you attend one in person, it must be both a non-dominate religious service and it must be something other than the religion you practice.  
  • One  services must be non-dominate, meaning, one must be something other than Christian (which includes all Christian, Catholic, & Protestant religions).  Examples may include an Pagan, Islam, Jewish, Buddhist, or Hinduism.  
  • One experience must be something other than the church you or your family belongs to.
  • Compare and contrast both services. 
  • This is a reflection paper, so can be written in first person


                                      Muslim Friday Prayer Service

I visited Madina Masjid, where I had a very good opportunity to experience a Muslim Friday prayer service and find out what a Mosque looks like. Accompanied by my friends were arrived some minutes to lunchtime prayers, and after signing in, we were requested to take off our shoes and directed into the Mosque’s main room, where we were welcomed to observe how the players took place.

During the prayer service, I noted that they pray while facing the same direction. This practice is known as qiblah, where they have to face Mecca’s direction whenever they pray (Williamson,2018). The Mosque’s wall that is closest to Mecca is labeled the qiblah wall, and Muslims will face it when they pray so that they can face the holy city. Moreover, men and women pray ins separate rooms as they perform several movements in a sequence. The movements include kneeling, bowing, prostration, and reciting words of praise to God. There was a congregational prayer held just after noon known as Jummah  …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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