Social Study


1-Describe a time when you made one of the common mistakes like (offering advice, reassuring, offering excuse, labeling, asking leading questions, dominating through teaching, interrogating) with a client, friend, co-worker, or family member when they were in need. How could using empathy, warmth, respect, and genuineness have helped better that situation? What would have changed? (150 words)

2-Think of a time when accurate observation, effective attending, active listening, and conveying warmth would have made a situation in your personal life better. Describe the situation clearly, and how one or more of these skills could have been used to bring about a different outcome. (150 words).



When my friend had a breakup, I didn’t feel a tinge of pity as she cried. She also opened up to me and told me her problems, but I cared less because I didn’t feel anything about her problems and other people’s problems in general. I was not there for her in a situation that made her even drop her grades.…………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:


Working in groups enhances collaboration, but sometimes it can be challenging, especially in the division of tasks among the members. For instance, in high school, we were working in a group of five. While sharing the specific topic one should work on, two members complained about the areas of research they were assigned, claiming that they seemed difficult for them…………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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