Sociology Discussion: Subcultures and Crime

Question Sociology Discussion: Subcultures and Crime In any culture, dominant and subcultures exist. Within this discussion, you will explore the similarities and differences between the dominant and subcultures while applying sociological theories to explain them. You will also look at how crimes impact our society in a variety of ways. Throughout this discussion, you will …

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Examine the aftermath of the Mexican War and its consequences for American Indians, enslaved Africans, free blacks, and whites in the newly acquired areas

Question Write a 500 words essay for each prompt below. Prompt 1. The various reform communities that sprang up throughout America during the first part of the nineteenth century typically understood the meaning of freedom differently from mainstream Americans. Analyze the various meanings these groups gave to the word “freedom,” and compare those meanings with the ones …

Examine the aftermath of the Mexican War and its consequences for American Indians, enslaved Africans, free blacks, and whites in the newly acquired areas Read More »

Mobilizing The Masses

Question Instructions For this assignment, selectoneof the following options. Option 1: Chronicle Adolf Hitler’s rise from failed art student to political speaker to eventually gain control over Germany. Option 2: Describe Benito Mussolini’s revival of European Imperialism in North Africa and how he came to be Adolf Hitler’s ally. Option 3: Chronicle the rise of extreme militarism in …

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Flashbulb Memories

Question Expected sources Textbook: Chapter 6, 7, 8, 9 Minimum of 2 outside scholarly articles (recent – 2018 and above) Instructions Flashbulb memories are memories about a specific event that are so vivid it creates a “snapshot” of the event. Examples of well-known flashbulb memory events include the 9/11 attacks, Challenger disaster, and the MLK …

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