Mobilizing The Masses



For this assignment, selectoneof the following options.

  • Option 1: Chronicle Adolf Hitler’s rise from failed art student to political speaker to eventually gain control over Germany.
  • Option 2: Describe Benito Mussolini’s revival of European Imperialism in North Africa and how he came to be Adolf Hitler’s ally.
  • Option 3: Chronicle the rise of extreme militarism in Japan and how it led them to conquer huge chunks of land in Asia and so many islands in the western Pacific basin, and how this led to their conflict with Great Britain and the United States
  • Option 4: Describe Joseph Stalin’s rise to total power in the USSR and how his paranoia and desire for total control led to the terrible purges of the 1930s.


                                      Mobilizing The Masses: Option 1

Adolf Hitler was a powerful dictator but could not have engaged in such atrocities or risen to such ranks on his own. Besides being actively supported by millions of German citizens who supported the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party, he was backed up by the powerful officer class in Germany (Daniel & Sterphone, 2019). Most Germans hailed him as a person who was committed to saving Germany. This paper will discuss Hitler’s journey to power from being a failed artist and a public speaker.

At first, in 1909, Hitler was a young artist in Vienna, but he became more interested in politics and moved to Munich. As Voth (2020) states, having lost interest in painting, he failed his military fitness exam in 1914 and was considered too weak and unsuitable to support duty and for combat. However, he enlisted again in the same year after the start of World War I, an enrolment that emended his stint as a struggling artist. It was after World WAR that Hitler started rising to power through the Nazi party. Hitler and other patriotic German citizens were not happy with the Treaty of Versailles, which they viewed as harsh to Germany (Daniel & Sterphone, 2019). In this Treaty, Germany was required to pay wars reparations that destabilized its economy. Most Germans were angry, fearful, and uncertainity of their future as a result of the Depression.

Hitler, a mesmerizing public speaker, saw the economic crisis as an opportunity, and he addressed people in rallies in Munich where he advocated for a change in German, specifically the replacement of what is viewed as an insufficient and incompetent democratic regime (Daniel & Sterphone, 2019). Hitler and the Nazi Party gained support in Germany, especially because they were frustrated and angered by the economic situation in the country. The New Order entailed an authoritarian political system where the leadership approach was power flowing downwards from a powerful national leader. According to Duiker (2015), the main aim of the Nazi Party was to eliminate democracy, ensure that all citizens unselfishly served the states, and allow individual rights to be sacrificed for the good of the nation. Additionally, the party wanted to use a parliamentary system to seize power in Germany and install Hitler as the supreme leader or dictator and also establish a society of racially pure Germans who were loyal to the leader and would be used in a campaign of world conquest and racial cleansing…………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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