Reading Rationale


The assignment has two parts – both will be submitted in ONE saved Word document file. Follow the directions line by line:

1. Compile a reading list from the textbook used in this course for your ideal  World Literature course. Your list should include at least 8 selections, and should best represent your understanding of how literature is an artifact of its culture. Include titles and authors. Include specific sections, chapters, or pages, if applicable. You may, OF COURSE, include literature we’ve read together. There’s nothing here prohibiting that. The assignment does not specify a minimum or maximum number of works of literature so there is no maximum or minimum (but you should have at least 8). The right number is however many texts you feel a student could reasonably read in an ordinary 16 week semester and how many texts a student should read to best accomplish the student learning outcomes of World Literature. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS A TEST OF YOUR ANALYTICAL AND LOGIC SKILLS. YOU HAVE TO FIGURE OUT THESE SPECIFICS AND THEN JUSTIFY YOUR CHOICES.

2. Write a RATIONALE of 750-1000 words for your reading list that identifies your theme and how the readings support that theme. Consider the rationale on the course syllabus, the course introduction video, and the monomyth video. Your audience is not me, but students new to World Literature I, like you were 4 months ago. Justify your choices–all of them. Explain the theme you’ve chosen. The theme is the primary understanding about world literature, world cultures, and/or any other aspect of humanity that you think students should come away with. Our theme is the quest–this, to me, is why we create art and experience art. For you, it might be that or something different. Make a choice and justify it. Explain how many works you’ve chosen to demonstrate that theme and why. Explain why you’ve chosen the works you’ve chosen. How do each of these works demonstrate the theme?

3. Upload a polished presentation of your reading list and rationale/course introduction in a Word file. Include an MLA style header.

Works of Literature we have covered this semester in my class include the following **** 8 of these must be in the essay****:

The Epic of Gilgamesh 

The Hebrew Bible


The Odyssey 

The Bhagavad-Gita


Laozi (Daodejing) 

The Christian Bible (The New Testament Gospels) 

The Quran


Marie De France

Niccolo Machiavelli 

Miguel De Cervantes 

William Shakespeare (Hamlet) 


Part One: Reading List

For an ideal world literature class, the readings: the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Hebrew Bible, Homer’s Iliad,  the Odyssey by Homer, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Christian Bible (The New Testament Gospels), the Quran, and Beowulf will best show that literature helps explain and guide how people should relate together in a given society. Sometimes literature helps express the authors’ perception of a perfect world and how things should happen in it, although they underatndtand they may happen in that way. These readings will help demonstrate the theme of war and show occasions when war is justified.

                                                            Part Two: Rationale

Regarding the list, the most intriguing theme is war. Primarily wars are fought by groups of people, like tribes, kingdoms, and countries, to establish power over the opposing side using violence or armed forces with the aim of ending a given conflict or promoting good over evil. In humankind’s history, numerous wars have occurred to make a change or establish a monopoly, but for any reason, wars always have detrimental effects on society. Today with technological advancement, especially in weapons war, the effects of war have become even more adverse. Importantly, no one can deny that war is not destructive, but it is significant to understand that it is inevitable for numerous reasons on some occasions or situations……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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