

1]    The critique must be typed, 12pt Times Roman font and double spaced.

2]    The paper must be 2 to 3 pages in length.

3]    The article critique must be from a professional journal listed in the EBSCO database found on the Blinn College Library website 

4]    Half of the critique should cover a summary/description of the article and half of the critique should be your personal reaction.

Firstname Lastname

Psyc 2301 or 2314 ‑ Section #

Semester and Year

Kagan, J. & Snidman, N. (1991). Temperamental factors in human development.  American Psychologist, 46(8), 856‑862.

Critique Summary

This is where you will summarize the journal article you have chosen in area.  You may think of it as a mini‑book report. Describe the study and include the following if applicable:

     1]     Questions addressed or hypothesis

     2]     Subjects or samples used in the sample (ages, gender, ethnicity, etc.)

     3]     Dependent and independent variables

     4]     Tests or Questionnaires used in the study

     5]     Any special equipment or situation used

     6]     Procedure or how was the study conducted?

     7]     Results or what did the author discover?

     8]    Implications of the study

Personal Reaction

This is where you give your reaction to and opinion of the article.  For example, you may object to the sample or procedure the researcher used and/or you might have found that the article helped you to better understand a specific issue or problem.  In this section you might also include:

     1]     an explanation of what interested you in the article

     2]     a description of what you liked or disliked about the article

     3]     a description of anything you did not understand

     4]     a discussion about your thoughts about the results and conclusions

     5]     an explanation of what you would do differently if it were your research project

     6]     a discussion of the cautions you would use about the results



                                            Critique Summary

In this study, Kagan and Snidman show that the two temperamental categories of children, the initial dispositions to avoid or approach unfamiliar stimuli, are moderately stable over time and are linked to different psychological profiles (856). This study hypothesized that low versus high levels of crying and motor activity to unfamiliar events for 4-month-old infants predicts whether a child will approach or avoid unfamiliar events in the 2nd year. To test this hypothesis, a sample of 94 children was selected from middle-class white mothers screened for consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee (Kagan & Snidman 858). However, infants born with pre- r perinatal complications or premature were not included in the sample. At the age of 2, 4, 9, 14, and 21 months, the infants were observed in a laboratory.  The dependent variables in this research were the two temperamental categories known as inhibited and uninhibited to unfamiliar in the 2nd year, while the frequency of motor acts and crying to unfamiliar stimuli were the independent variables. 

While measuring the independent variables, the study used a frequency measure for caring and particular motor activities. The scores were classified into four groups into which each of the infants in the sample was categorized……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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