PSY-470 Abnormal Psychology Research Paper Outline: Evidence-Based Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment


In 1,200-1,500 words, address the following:

  • Provide a comprehensive explanation of the selected subject (e.g., clinical definition, background information).
  • Address the societal and/or cultural implications of the chosen subject.
  • Discuss how the subject is related to one or more models of abnormality as discussed in Chapter 3 of the textbook., Comer, R. J. (2018). Abnormal psychology (10th ed.). Worth Publishers. ISBN-13: 9781319066949

PSY-470 Abnormal Psychology Research Paper Outline

Topic/Proposed Title: Evidence-Based Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

Introduction:  I will explore the challenge associated with BPD treatment in the past. The hook will be, for decades, BPD therapy has been challenging because of the associated negative stigma in which people claimed that the mental disorder was untreatable.

Purpose & Thesis Statement: The purpose of the research is to examine scientifically proven approaches to manage BPD. The main focus will be on psychodynamic therapy, pharmacotherapy, and dialectical behavior therapy.

1st Main Point:  Psychodynamic therapy.

  • Taubner, S., & Volkert, J. (2019). Evidence-Based Psychodynamic Therapies for the Treatment of Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 1(2), 1-20.
  • The article provides evidence of how Transference Psychotherapy and Metallization Treatment have been developed to treat BPD by improving personality. The treatment requires collaboration, planning for therapy, and monitoring reaction. 
  • Majdara, E., Rahimian Boogar, I., Talepasand, S., & Gregory, R. J. (2018). The Efficacy of Dynamic Deconstructive Psychotherapy in Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: Introducing an Evidence-Based Therapeutic Model. Studies in Medical Sciences, 29(6), 1-19.
  • The article provides information on applying a psychodynamic approach to treat BPD to improve effectiveness reduce the cost of managing BPD.

2nd Main Point:  Pharmacotherapy

  • Stoffers-Winterling, J., Storebø, O. J., & Lieb, K. (2020). Pharmacotherapy for borderline personality disorder: an update of published, unpublished and ongoing studies. Current psychiatry reports22, 1-10.
  • The article provides support that pharmacotherapy helps treat comorbidities such as anxiety that occur along with BPD to improve the mental state of the patient based on BPD treatment guidelines.
  • Magni, LR; Ferrari, C; Barlati, S; Ridolfi, ME; Prunetti, E; Vanni, G; Bateni, M; Diaferia, G; Macis, A; Meloni, S; Perna, G; Occhialini, G; Vita, A; Rossi, G; Rossi, R (2020). Psychopharmacological treatment in borderline personality disorder: A pilot observational study in a real-world setting. Psychiatry Research, 113556,1-8.
  • The article provides evidence of the use of pharmacotherapy treatment based on the predominant psychopathological features of an individual.

3rd Main Point: Dialectical behavior therapy

Navarro-Haro, M. V., Botella, V. G., Badenes-Ribera, L., Borao, L., & García-Palacios, A. (2021). Dialectical Behavior Therapy in the Treatment of Comorbid Borderline Personality Disorder and Eating Disorder in a Naturalistic Setting: A Six-Year Follow-up Study. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 45(3), 480-493.

The article provides evidence of dialectical therapy in the treatment of BPD due to high adherence and low cases of dropout rates from the program.

Majdara, E., Rahimian Boogar, I., Talepasand, S., & Gregory, R. J. (2018). The Efficacy of Dynamic Deconstructive Psychotherapy in Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: Introducing an Evidence-Based Therapeutic Model. Studies in Medical Sciences, 29(6), 1-19.

Provides evidence of the effectiveness of the approach in treating BPD pathologies.


 I will restate the thesis statement and summarize the key findings from the body of the paragraph.


           Evidence-Based Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

The public and mental health practitioners often view borderline personality disorder (BPD) in negative terms creating a stigma associated with that goes beyond that linked to other mental health conditions. Consequently, the stigma linked to BDP negatively impacts the way therapists tolerate the thoughts, actions, and emotional reactions of people with this disorder which in turn affects the effectiveness in minimizing symptoms. There is evidence that some mental health practitioners may emotionally distance themselves from people with BDP and react in problematic ways in BDP treatment (Knaak et al., 2015). Alongside being unusually sensitive to abandonment rejection, BPD patients react negatively to the therapists’ distancing and negative reaction, thus increasing their chances of withdrawing from treatment. The actual behavior linked to BDP makes it challenging to work with these patients, thus contributing to this stigma among clinicians. The stigma related to BDP is one of the major causes of poor outcomes among individuals with this disorder (Knaak et a., 2015). However, various evidence-based BPD treatment approaches can be useful in identifying and reducing the effect of stigmatization on the treatment of people with BPD. The purpose of the research is to examine well-researched evidence-based approaches to BPD treatment. The main focus will be on psychodynamic therapy, pharmacotherapy, and dialectical behavior therapy.

One of the evidence-based BPD treatment approaches that can limit stigma associated with BPD is psychodynamic therapy, particularly, Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT) and Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP). According to Taubner and Volkert (2019), The core idea of the psychodynamic model focuses on affect and emotions and aspects that individuals with BPD tend to avoid. Also, this therapy emphasizes relationships, especially therapist-patient relationships, alongside discussing past experiences that help understand the current experiences……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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