Program Evaluation


 CED 5997

Research Methods

Rubric for

Program Evaluation

Name:                                                                                                           Grading Scale:

  1. Student did not respond to the question adequately (not competent).
  2. Student responded below expectations to the question (minimally competent).
  3. Student responded adequately to the question (competent).
Provide a brief and comprehensive description of the setting and issues and their relevance to the population served. What is the school’s/school district’s [or agency’s] mission or “tag?”  Identify or define the program, service, or intervention to be evaluated.  Conclude with an explicit “evaluation” question that is clear and accurate.  Explain how it is connected to the mission or “tag.”      
Are there any ethical issues to consider in your design?     
How do you determine if you need IRB approval to conduct this program evaluation?     
What resources do you need?     
**Select only one of the following three evaluation models marked “A” or “B” (i.e.,identify which model of program evaluation you are using**:   MEASURE “Planning a Program Evaluation” handout     A.  If you are using the MEASURE model (a data-driven or results-based accountability model), respond to these 6 questions only:XXX  
List up to 5 critical questions (min. of 3 questions) to be addressed.    
Describe your evaluation plan in MEASURE terms: MISSION:   ELEMENT:   ANALYZE:   STAKEHOLDERS:   UNITE:   RESULTS:   EDUCATE:     
How would you analyze/assess the data?   
How would you use internal and external target populations/stakeholders to improve services?   
Based on your program evaluation results, how might the results be used as systematic change in the school or school district [or agency]?  For positive results achieved?  For negative/neutral results achieved?   
How would you educate others about the program, its effects, its weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement?  Identify any potential barrier(s) to success and describe 1-2 strategies to overcome the barrier(s).   
B.  If you are using the Planning a Program Evaluation Worksheet model, respond to these 8 questions only:XXX
What is the purpose of the evaluation?   
Who will use the evaluation (i.e., target populations/stakeholders) and how will they use it?   
List up to 5 critical questions (min. of 3 questions) to be addressed.    
What sources of information do you need to answer the question(s)?   
What data collection method(s) and procedures would you use?   
How would the data be analyzed?   
How would you disseminate your findings?  How would you educate others about the program, its effects, its weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement?  Identify any potential barrier(s) to success and describe 1-2 strategies to overcome the barrier(s).   
Based on your program evaluation results, how might the results be used as systemic change in the school or school district [or agency]?  For positive results achieved?  For negative/neutral results achieved?   
Based on the results of your program evaluation, discuss how you would use the professional literature and “best practices” to educate stakeholders/target populations about ways to implement positive interventions (i.e., interventions that work).    
Max of 8 pages, single spaced. 



CED 5997 Research Methods

Rubric for Program Evaluation

Grading Scale:

  1. Student did not respond to the question adequately (not competent).
  2. Student responded ​below​ expectations to the question (minimally competent).
  3. Student responded adequately to the question (competent).


1. Provide a brief and comprehensive description of the setting and issues and their relevance to the population served. What is the school’s/school district’s [or agency’s] mission or “tag?” Identify or define the program, service, or intervention to be evaluated. Conclude with an explicit “evaluation” question that is clear and accurate. Explain how it is connected to the mission or “tag.” ●  The setting is the high schools from three different districts. Many high school students are suffering because of their lack of sleep. The issue we are addressing is that many high school students come to school tired which affects their mental health, school performance and grades. Student have after school activities and excessive homework causing them to stay up late at night. ●  The mission of the school district is to create an environment that enables students to perform at their highest potential. ●  The intervention that we will be evaluating is whether a later start time will improve students’ school performance, grades, decrease students’ anxiety and stress, and tardiness. ●  The “evaluation” question is to determine whether a later daily start in the morning will allow students to get more sleep thus improving students’ mental health, school performance, grades, decrease students’ anxiety and stress and tardiness. ●  The program evaluation is connected to the mission of the school districts because it has been observed that high school students stay up later due to their use of social media and technology. The research question is whether a later school start time would allow more sleep resulting in enhanced student performance, lower stress and anxiety, decreased tardiness, and improved mental health which would

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support the mission statement of the school. This mission statement is supported by our program in that the hopes are that students will be able to perform at their highest potential.
2. Are there any ethical issues to consider in your design? Yes, we don’t want to impact the children in any way or bias them in any way when administering the surveys. The ethical considerations from a research perspective is to keep the students’ personal information confidential. The data collected will only be used for comparative analysis. None of the data collected will identify specific students. The data reported will be based on all the high school students in the three school districts who are available and agreed to participate in the study.
3. How do you determine if you need IRB approval to conduct this program evaluation? Since the IRB makes the determination of exemption, we will determine if our research qualifies for exemption from the formal committee review by completing the “protocol exemption review and determination check list”.
4. What resources do you need? The available resources that we will use for our program evaluation are the existing nonidentifying school data records which consist of the students’ tardiness and school grades. The resource that we will use to measure student stress and anxiety are anonymous student and teacher surveys. The data collected from these sources will be used to determine the need for a later start time for students.

B.​ If you are using the ​Planning a Program Evaluation Worksheet​ model, respond to these 8 questions ​only​: XXX

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1. What is the purpose of the evaluation? The purpose of the evaluation is to fulfill the mission of the school districts to create an environment that enables students to perform at their highest potential. The purpose of the evaluation is to determine whether high school students’ lack of sleep undermines their overall performance which includes grades, tardiness, and stress and anxiety levels.
2. Who will use the evaluation (i.e., target populations/stakeholders) and how will they use it? The internal stake holders are the students who are being surveyed and the administrative staff that will be providing the existing data sources of school grade records, attendance records, and observations of how the students presented at school. The external stakeholders are the school districts that would be initiating the district wide change to have a later start time for the high school. The parents are external stakeholder from whom we will be seeking permission to conduct student surveys and collect data. The stakeholders will use the results of the evaluation to determine if a later start time for high school students supports their mission to enable students to perform at their highest potential.
3. List up to 5 critical questions (min. of 3 questions) to be addressed. 1)  How much sleep time are the students currently getting in the first two marking periods prior to the time change? This is relevant to the problem because it measures the current sleep habits of the students via an anonymous survey administered to them. 2)  How much sleep are the students getting in the last two marking periods after implementing a later start time? This is relevant because it measures the amount of sleep students are getting as a result of the later start time change via an anonymous survey administered to them. 3)  What are students’ current grades in the first two marking periods prior to the later start time change? This is relevant because it is a measurement of student performance prior to implementing the later start time change via nonidentifying data collected from school administration. 4)  What are students’ grades in the last two marking periods after implementing the later start time? This is relevant because it is a measurement of student performance after implementing the later start time change via nonidentifying data collected from school administration. 5)  What are students’ current stress and anxiety levels before the later start time?

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This is relevant because it is a measurement of students’ stress and anxiety levels prior to implementing the later start time change via an anonymous survey administered to them. 6)  What are students’ stress and anxiety levels after the later start time?
This is relevant because it is a measurement of students’ stress and anxiety levels after implementing the later start time change via an anonymous survey administered to them. 7)  How many days have you been tardy before the later start time was administered?
This is relevant because it is a measures students’ tardiness before implementing the later start time change via nonidentifying data collected from the school administration. 8)  How many days have you been tardy after the later start time was administered?
This is relevant because it is a measures students’ tardiness after implementing the later start time change via nonidentifying data collected from the school administration. 9)  Have you noticed a difference in your students’ preparedness, alertness, and stress levels since the later school start time was implemented? This is relevant because teachers in the classrooms have direct daily interactions with the students which give them first-hand knowledge about student performance and concerns.
4. What sources of information do you need to answer the question(s)? The data collected from these sources will be used to determine the need for a later start time for students. The assessment instruments used will be student and teacher surveys, identifying trends, and data records for grades and tardiness of the students for a comparative analysis between the first two marking periods and the second two marking periods within the school year. The results from survey instruments will be analyzed and graphed with spread sheet software.
5. What data collection method(s) and procedures would you use? Our plan is to first identify our target population. The target population to be assessed are all the high school students between the ages of 14 – 18 in the three school districts. Our plan is to then, get permission from the school districts and from parents and students to interview and have contact with all the high school students in

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three school districts. The purpose is to gather data in order to measure whether more sleep and later start times will improve students’ performance, grades and mental health. This data will be used to create a baseline and to do a comparative analysis with regards to grades, tardiness, and students’ mental health in order to identify any common trends. The available resources that we will use for our need’s assessment are the existing nonidentifying school data records which consist of the students’ tardiness and school grades. The resource that we will use to measure student stress and anxiety are anonymous student and teacher surveys. The data collected from these sources will be used to determine the need for a later start time for students.
6. How would the data be analyzed? This data will be used to create a baseline and to do a comparative analysis with regards to grades, tardiness, and students’ mental health in order to identify any common trends. This data will be analyzed by comparing our surveys, school records, and teacher observations before the implementation of the later school start time and after the implementation of the later school start times in all three school districts to determine whether the later school start time is beneficial to the students.
7. How would you disseminate your findings? How would you educate others about the program, its effects, its weaknesses, and areas in need of improvement? Identify any potential barrier(s) to success and describe 1-2 strategies to overcome the barrier(s). We would disseminate our findings and educate others by publishing our finding in a peer reviewed article and releasing them to the three participating school board districts, the surrounding community, online, newspaper resources, and local PTO’s. ● Weaknesses and Barriers to Success
o Later high school start times would make after school activities and athletics to be pushed back causing the student to get home later.
o Students who have later high school start times will be dismissed from school later which may cause them to miss the start of their after-school activities.
o Later high school start times could affect the elementary and middles schools in the district regarding school traffic and busing schedules?
o Older students who arrive home later in the day are not available to pick up or supervise their younger siblings for parents who work.

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● Strategies to Overcome Barriers
o Implementing an after-school care program for elementary schools could alleviate the barrier for high school students who are responsible for the care of their younger sibling after school.
o Allow students to leave school early or eliminate a school time period (such as study hall) for students who have activities after school.
o Lengthening the school year to accommodate a later daily school arrival, in order to satisfy state mandated yearly school hours, athletic schedules, and childcare issues.
8. Based on your program evaluation results, how might the results be used as systemic change in the school or school district [or agency]? For positive results achieved? For negative/neutral results achieved? Based on positive results of our program evaluation, our later school start time program would result in a systemic change for students promoting less tardiness, increased preparedness, less stress and anxiety, and better grades. We would share our results with all school districts. Moving forward other school districts could adopt a later high school start time as well. For negative results we would report to the school districts and recommend that they revert to their previous high school start times. For neutral results we would report to the school district and leave it to the three districts’ discretion.


Based on the results of your program evaluation, discuss how you would use the professional literature and “best practices” to educate stakeholders/target populations about ways to implement positive interventions (i.e., interventions that work). Based on the results of our program evaluation, we would present the professional literature supporting our hypothesis, findings, and research to educate the school districts and the parent community via PowerPoint Presentation, handouts, and literature summary results at school district board meetings and PTO meetings.

Max of 8 pages, single spaced.


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CED 5997

Research Methods

Rubric for

Program Evaluation

Name:                                                                                                           Grading Scale:

  • Student did not respond to the question adequately (not competent).
  • Student responded below expectations to the question (minimally competent).
  • Student responded adequately to the question (competent).
Provide a brief and comprehensive description of the setting and issues and their relevance to the population served. What is the school’s/school district’s [or agency’s] mission or “tag?”  Identify or define the program, service, or intervention to be evaluated.  Conclude with an explicit “evaluation” question that is clear and accurate.  Explain how it is connected to the mission or “tag.”  The setting is the high schools in one single district. Mental health issues such as anxiety are high among LGBTQ students. This culminates in high suicide and dropout rates in many schools. Denial of civil and human rights, sexual harassment, discrimination, and stigma against the LGBTQ community are some of the reasons for this population’s mental health. However, many school counselors are ill-equipped to provide effective and adequate mental health services to LGBTQ students with mental health issues, especially the lack of cultural and linguistic competence, thus reducing these students’ willingness to seek help. Many LGBTQ students do not get as effective mental health services as other students; thus, their mental health issues are likely to worsen with time, leading to severe outcomes such as suicide, drug addiction, and dropout. The school district’s mission is to improve mental health among all students, including the LGBTQ students, thus reducing the dropout and suicidal rates. The intervention to be evaluated is the school district providing training programs that teach LGBTG cultural competency to the current school counselors, improving the number of culturally and linguistically competent school counselor, and establishing referral efforts of LGBTQ students with mental health issues to mental health professionals in the community.  The evaluation question is to determine whether LGBTQ students will feel more physically and emotionally safe enough to engage and seek mental health service when the school counselors are LGBTQ culturally competent and have a wide range of mental health providers who understand and affirm their identities? This question is relevant to the school district’s mission because the primary care system, in this case, the school counselors, face several large structural problems especially lack LGBTQ cultural competence to be able to meet the LGBTQ students’ needs adequately, thus discouraging these students from seeking mental health services. However, when the cultural competency of school counselors is increased, the LGBTQ students will have an effective care system to depend on regarding mental health issues, thus improving their mental health as per the mission.   
Are there any ethical issues to consider in your design? During this needs assessment process, there are various ethical considerations. For instance, there is a need to respect the participants’ voluntary right to participation. Considering that this is a sensitive issue, every learner will participate voluntarily. Therefore, nobody will be coerced by the researcher to participate in the needs assessment process. Every participant has the right to anonymity. For example, the findings of the needs assessment process will not reveal the names of the learners or other personally identifiable details. The researcher will also endeavor towards preventing harm to any of the participants. For example, revealing sensitive information could lead to more stigma and discrimination. Therefore, the researcher will ensure that the learners have access to safe spaces to talk about their experiences as LGBTQ students. The researcher will also obtain informed consent from the participants. In cases where the participants are not of age, the researcher will obtain informed consent from the parents or guardians. The institution will also give written permission to the researcher before the researcher undertakes data collection. Participants will also be granted the right to withdraw if they feel uncomfortable participating in the needs assessment process.   
How do you determine if you need IRB approval to conduct this program evaluation?   When determining whether this program evaluation requires an IRB approval, it is important to determine whether it qualifies as a research and interaction and intervention with human subjects. If results should be presented to an audience, there is also a need to obtain IRB approval. For example, in this case, the final report would prove valuable to all stakeholders fighting for LGBTQ rights, especially in learning institutions. The program evaluation can be considered a research because it entails a predetermined plan for evaluating a particular issue and contributes to the generalizable knowledge. Its results and conclusion will be intended to improve the mental health services of LGBTQ students beyond this school district. The project will be based on LGBTQ students with experiences of mental health issues as the source of data, and since there is interaction with the researcher, which involves access to inevitable private information and is considered a research, this program evaluation will need an IRB approval.   
What resources do you need? During the needs assessment process, the researcher will mainly rely on two main data collection instruments: questionnaires sent via email and semi-structured interviews to be in person. Combining the two methods will be important in understanding learners’ views affected by mental health issues, school counselors, and administrators who have interacted with such students. The resources needed for the survey and interviews include personnel, transportation, measurement instruments, supplies and equipment, office supplies, computers, and other pieces of equipment. ……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:     

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