Peer Review Article: Cox, R. M., Lenz, A. S., & James, R. K. (2015). A pilot evaluation of the ARRAY program with offenders with mental illness.


`Review of Article Questions Sheet


1) Article/Reference (APA style)

2) The theoretical issue or research question (Identify answer to this question from the title of the journal article, its Abstract, or the end of introduction)

3) Background Information –

3a). Definition of key terms

3b). Important information from studies/theories. (Read all paragraphs in the introduction/literature review of the journal article carefully and provide important information from each paragraph).

4) The specific hypotheses of the study

5) Independent Variable(s)/Predictor Variable(s)

5a) How did the author(s) operationalize the variables?

6) Dependent Variable(s)/Outcome Variable(s)

6a) How did the author(s) operationalize the variables?

7) Participants


8) Procedures

9) Instruments

10) The results/findings of the study (Interpret the results as best as you can. Merely listing the numbers without understanding them is not helpful)

11) The Conclusions / Discussion

12) Future Research Areas



`Review of Article Questions Sheet


1) Article/Reference (APA style)

Cox, R. M., Lenz, A. S., & James, R. K. (2015). A pilot evaluation of the ARRAY program with offenders with mental illness. Journal of Counseling & Development93(4), 471-480.

2) The theoretical issue or research question (Identify answer to this question from the title of the journal article, its Abstract, or the end of introduction)

This study aims to examine the efficacy of the Applied Recidivism Reduction Alternatives (ARRAY) program in mitigating mental in mitigating psychiatric symptoms among incarcerated offenders with mental illness (OMI).

3) Background Information –

3a). Definition of key terms

This study defines the keywords including program evaluation, corrections, and cognitive behavior therapy in the introduction; thus, readers can easily follow and understand the rest of the research.

3b). Important information from studies/theories. (Read all paragraphs in the introduction/literature review of the journal article carefully and provide important information from each paragraph).

According to previous studies, depressive symptoms and anxiety disorders are endemic in correctional facilities. Additionally, previous research support that group-based intervention in counseling that suggests the use of coping skills can provide a good complement to medication alone while cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) that promote the use of alternative coping methods, symptom n identification, and relapse-prevention skills can reduce the chances of recidivism and mitigate behavioral problems and rule violation in the correctional facility. Also, it was established that the ARRAY program enhances adaptive functioning and wellbeing through modules based on a wide variety of coping skills and a model for identifying intense situations and symptoms. The researchers defined the variables in this study adequately in the introduction, thus providing an idea of the direction of the research.

4) The specific hypotheses of the study

The researchers hypothesized that intervention through the ARRAY program might be meaningful to more typical mental health medication management, identification of symptoms, and referral services offered by most prisons.

5) Independent Variable(s)/Predictor Variable(s)

The independent variable in this study was psychiatric symptoms among incarcerated OMI.

5a) How did the author(s) operationalize the variables?……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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