Organizational Communication     


Define the facets of organizational communication and explain the communication flow in organizations.


Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations
Ricky W. Griffin, Jean M. Phillips, Stanley M. Gully, 2019

ISBN.13: 978-0-357-04250-2


     Organizational Communication     

Organizational communication is defined as the way interrelated individuals send and receive messages amongst themselves within a particular setting with the aim of attaining both individual and common set organizational goals (Bisel & Rush, 2021). Organizational communication is culturally dependent and highly contextual. In an organization, individuals can transmit messages through written, face-to-face, and mediated channels. Additionally, there are several parts of organizational communication. The communication process in an organization entails the sender encoding the message, then transmitting it through a channel such as videos, the internet, body language, and intranets. The receiver decodes the message and hopefully understands it as the sender intended, but as Griffin et al. (2016) argue, this is not always the case. Lastly, the feedback ensures that communication is more effective, but noise can either distort or block it.

Additionally, four main types of communication flow within an organization including downward, upward, horizontal, and diagonal communication.  In downward communication, the communication flows down the chain of command or from the higher levels of an organization to the lower levels (Griffin et al., 2016). This type of communication flow is used to transmit work-related information to employees at lower levels to help them meet the expectations set for them by their supervisors and organizational goals…………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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