Ku Klux Klan


Writing Assignment for Essay 2

Describe the political/geographic situation in Europe at the beginning of World War I. How did the Great Powers of Europe come to war after the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

Read the two articles and discuss the different views of the Ku Klux Klan presented by them. How accurate is the picture of the Ku Klux Klan presented by the article Rank and File Radicalism within the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s?  (Note: The History Museum of South Bend, Indiana published this https://www.historymuseumsb.org/the-golden-era-of-indiana/

Be very detailed and specific in your essay and be sure to follow all writing guidelines and conventions that have been established for this course.


                                                 Essay 2

Read the two articles and discuss the different views of the Ku Klux Klan presented by them. How accurate is the picture of the Ku Klux Klan presented by the article Rank and File Radicalism within the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s?

In John Zerzan’s article, “Rank-and-File Radicalism within the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s,” he claims that the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was misunderstood by Americans. According to Zerzan, the KK was predominately not racist, not violent, and southern thus the notion that it is a radical organization is challenged. Thus according to this article, considering the facts of the group’s period, such a notion is incorrect. Zerzan states that the KKK was initially founded by white southerners aiming to stop the ongoing reconstructions policies established by Republicans. In order to restore white supremacy in the South, the KKK was violent towards both black and white Republican voters and leaders with efforts to stop the policies of the reconstruction. Since they were violent to both whites and blacks the KKK did not initially consider itself as a racist group. Even though Zerzan, argues that they were not initially racists they still had ceremonies burning crosses, marches, parades rallies that declared immigrants, Jews, Catholics blacks, and others which can be considered racist.  Furthermore, even though this article also portrays the KKK as initially not violent, they would kill people who they thought were not “normal” and who got in their way. However, this article justifies some of the group’s actions by claiming that its goals were trying to help the community.

On the other hand, in the article, “The Golden era of Indiana,” the authors present a different picture of the KKK. At first, the author states that the KKK has dissipated and reappeared several times in American history, and every time it reappears there seems to be a darker and more negative image surrounding its members, actions, and goals…………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address: consulttutor10@gmail.com

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