Karl Marx’s Predictions


Please choose a question below and type your answer in the built-in text editor. You only need to select one question from the list below:

How did Karl Marx predict that the Industrial Revolution would affect and change the nature of European society? Were his predictions correct?

What were some of the major consequences of British rule in India, and how did they affect the Indian people?

What political, economic, and social reforms were instituted by the Qing Dynasty during its final decade, and why were they not more successful in reversing the decline of Qing rule?


Contemporary World History William J. Duiker, 2021 Cengage ISBN.13: 978-0-357-36486-4


                                    Karl Marx’s Predictions

In the 19 th century, new modes of production, distribution and communication had resulted in enormous wealth. Karl Marx agreed that industrial capitalism had united and globalized the world, thus enabling it to reach amazing development levels (Varghese, 2018). However, there was a problem because the enormous wealth created was not equally distributed. For instance, nearly all the property was owned by 10% of the population where the rest possessed nothing. Moreover, the wealth became more concentrated as the towns and cities became more industrialized, where the rich got richer. Due to competition, some middle class could fall to the working class. Therefore, in Europe, there were only two types of people: the rich who owned property and the workers who sold labor to them.

In Marx’s view, this was a historical change model, thus declared “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles” …………for help with this or any other assignment contact us via Email Address: consulttutor10@gmail.com

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