Islamic Fundamentalism


Research Proposal Only

This is a research proposal for Islamic Fundamentalism and its impact on Terrorism and should be designed around the question “Is Islamic Fundamentalism a precipitating factor for terrorism and violence?”

Proposal should contain the following sections and information:  


– summarize the literature        

– contain the primary arguments         

– brief conclusion about the literature         

– summary of theory used (diagram of model; if necessary)        

– questions this theory have been used to address in the past         

– current gaps 


– measurement of variables         

– sampling plan         

– justification for cases used       

– data collection and sources         

– summary of analysis         

– limitations and biases of studies 




                                    Islamic Fundamentalism

Among the most discussed topic in Islam is the connection between Islam fundamentalism and terrorism. After 9/11 Bush administration pointed to radical Islamist groups as perpetrators of the attacks. Consequently, the public, press, and experts have developed many relevant terms, including Islamic Fundamentalism. Following the end of the Soviet Union, new Islamic republics were founded in Central Asia and impact the new world order in various ways. Although Islamic fundamentalism opposes the new world order that emphasizes democracy, radical Islamic fundamentalism poses a security threat due to its inherent militant nature(Chang, 2005). It is important to understand why some Islamic fundamentalists use violence or become militant terrorists from different perspectives. In order to have a better understanding of the scale of their threat, this study will focus on the concept of terrorism and violence in the Islamic fundamentalism ideologies and its attitudes to the society, state, and the actions of Islamic movements such as ISIS. Understanding the relation to violence in Islamic fundamentalism ideologies will help understand the possibility of religious violence.

                                             Literature Review        

Summary of the Literature

Today fundamentalism is identified with Islam, but it is an Anglo-Saxon term. In the 1920s in America, Christian fundamentalism was used to refer to leading a Christianity on the teachings and fundamentals of the Bible (Chang, 2005). Therefore, for Muslims, the term means strictly observing Islamic doctrines and fundamentals following the Quran verses. Today, Islamic fundamentalism is often equated to terrorism, violence, extremism, radicalization, and resistance to the Western democratic systems. Islamic fundamentalists seek to go back to the Prophet Muhammad’s golden age on the basis of pure Islam; thus, they aim to reconstruct the Muslim communities changing due to neo-colonialism and Western culture. Therefore, according to Chang (2005), their main enemies are long-term colonialism, Westernization, and Western aggression because it to political corruption and the decline of the Muslim society.

According to Zhang (1995), the end of the Gulf War presented some new opportunities and challenges to Islamic fundamentalism. According to Islamic fundamentalists believe most Muslim rulers had been turned to agents of the West because most of them favored the West during the Gulf War. Islamic fundamentalism was largely affected by the Arab-Israeli peace because one of the fundamentalists’ inspiring political slogans and aims was to eliminate Israel. As a result, Islamic fundamentalism experienced some changes, particularly in its challenges to authority and diversifying its connotations. From moderate Islamic fundamentalism, the last change was radical Islamic fundamentalism. Due to the radical Islamic fundamentalists who challenged authority through terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism became a threat for Muslim rulers and Western states (Chang, 2001).  They view it as a threat because it opposes Western cultures and the legitimacy of the regime and due to the radical Islamic fundamentalists’ destructive activities that puzzle the Middle Eastern states. As a result, Islamic fundamentalism is viewed as a global threat by many Western scholars and Politicians. A new war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West has replaced the war between the West and communism.

 Primary Arguments   

Fundamentalism can be violent or non-violent. Regarding violent fundamentalism, particularly radical Islamic fundamentalism, the conflict between secularism and religion is seen as a cosmic war where one side has to win, and the other one has to lose…………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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