Glossary Terms


Throughout the first half of the course, you will be expected to develop a glossary of terms that you will submit at the mid-point of the semester. These glossary terms should be concepts that you are discovering through resources provided to you in each module (readings, lectures, etc.). The glossary will need to contain 15 terms. Each term should include a brief definition that is written in your own words, has reference to at least one of the required readings, and includes a specific example of how that term can be applied in your own research topic for this class (so a paragraph or two for each term).

FOR EXAMPLE: One of your terms might be Critical Theory Paradigm. You would define this in your own words, after reviewing the resources of course. Next, let’s say you chose the topic “Diversity and Equity in Education.” You would write a brief paragraph about how your research will reflect upon the experiences of expulsion among African-American boys in preschool (this is your narrowed-down topic), highlighting how this is a marginalized population that needs to be empowered. Finally, add the reference to the reading/resource in which you learned this term (in APA style).


                                                 Glossary Terms

                                            Tactical Authenticity

Tactical authenticity is an essential aspect for qualitative research that involves less focus on its validity and reliability and more focus on how the research’s worthwhileness and effects on members of the community or culture being researched (Smit & Onwuegbuzie, 2018). In my research about inclusion education, general teachers and special education will be empowered to speed up the implementation of inclusion to help meet the needs of students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

                                          Descriptive Observation

Descriptive observation involves observing everything and taking nothing for granted (Smit & Onwuegbuzie, 2018). In the research about the inclusion of SEND students, descriptive education will be used to compare attitudes and perceptions towards inclusive education between special education teachers and general education teachers.

                                             Informed Consent

Informed consent is the voluntary participation in research after the participants are provided with full information about it enough to make that decision (Ferdousi, 2015). The research about the inclusion of SEND students will prepare an informed consent letter for the teachers that will provide adequate information about the research to guide the participants in making a voluntary, informed, and rational decision to participate.  


In research, ontology is defined as the study of being which addresses the nature of reality. It is a belief system reflecting an individual’s interpretation of what constitutes a fact (Rehman & Alharthi, 2016). Ontology is linked to the central question of whether social entities should be viewed as subjective or objective. For instance, in my research, I view a relationship between the success of inclusive education and teachers’ attitudes. The research will help determine whether this relationship exists.


Epistemology involves the sources of knowledge and how it is gathered. According to Rehman and Alharthi (2016), a researcher should make a clear philosophical standpoint from the beginning of research because one’s view of the world impacts one’s interpretation of data. Regarding the research about the inclusion of SEND students, I believe that both general education teachers ad special education teachers are at the center of inclusion education; thus, their attitudes strongly influences its success……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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