Frankenstein Research Paper



Psychology and/or Sociology (subtitled Frankenstein Focus Groups) Romanticism (subtitled Frankenstein Focus Groups)

Feminism (subtitled Frankenstein Focus Groups) Ethics (subtitled Frankenstein Focus Groups)

Option 1:

Choose a perspective that interests you most as you read this novel. Your paper and thesis will reflect your interest in this perspective, for instance, psychological, the use of setting, feminism, class and economics, morals and religion. Once you have identified your general area of interest, you will need to refine your focus to eventually produce a thesis adequate for an 8-10- page paper. We will have a library research orientation at a date to be announced, and this orientation will also hopefully help you narrow your focus.

Option 2:

Examine a change in philosophy or lifestyle that one character undergoes. How and

why does the character change? What main idea or theme is the author making through this character and their change? Additionally, is this story still relevant to readers today? How so?

Big Picture Concerns

  • How does the author use elements of fiction to develop the main character and/or idea? You will have been practicing analyzing elements of fiction in homework and classroom discussions. Refer to our textbook if you are stuck. Your paper should NOT be structured so that each paragraph analyzes one element of literature, but you should show through your paper that you understand elements such as setting, plot, characterization, and other elements that seem relevant to your paper.
  • Frankenstein has a historical, localized context. Your paper needs to acknowledge the context/values/social standards of the culture, and should include relevant discussion of how the context relates to the focus you choose.

Organization and Paragraph Development

  • The book has distinct movement, a plot progression that drive the story.

Therefore, chronological paragraph organization is one good possibility for writing about this story, but it’s not the only way. Whether your essay progresses in a way that mirrors the plot development or not, it’s important that your writing doesn’t jump around in story chronology without good

reason, and clear notation, for doing so. For example, your first body paragraph shouldn’t mention a person’s death since you won’t have shown enough by that point to prepare the reader to understand its significance. If you have questions about your organizational scheme, please work with faculty tutors and / or discuss it with me in a conference.

  • When organizing your essay, keep the thesis in mind. Each paragraph’s topic sentence should reflect back to it, and the content of each paragraph should offer proof and explanation of the topic sentence. Paragraphs should be in PIE (or TEA) order, and each paragraph should include at minimum one quote from the novel. A rule of thumb might be to have at least one good text quote, and one outside source quote per paragraph, but it’s not absolutely necessary to include an outside source in each paragraph.
  • About quotes: remember to paraphrase everything you can. Save quoting for unique language or really important content. General parts of the narrative should not be quoted. Any “storytelling” should be sufficient to situate the quote in a context – no more, no less. Yet keep in mind that all quotes must be explained and the context / summary of the part of the story that includes them must be established and discussed if necessary. While summary of story events should take up a minor part of each paragraph, each paragraph must include thoughtful analysis of the story. In other words, you should not have any paragraphs that are primarily about science, or whatever discipline your thesis relates to.While paragraphs should probably have no more than three relevant phrase / sentence quotations, you’re always free to additionally integrate particularly vivid quoted words or very short phrases right into your sentences (still citing them).
  • *To repeat: paragraphs should not consist primarily of retelling of the story.

Extensive summarizing does not substitute for development of your own

ideas. Please pay attention to this point. Context for quotes must be provided, but should never replace analysis.

  • Explanation of whether, and to what extent, the story is worthwhile to read could be done in the concluding paragraph, or it could be developed throughout the body paragraphs. This should not be done in book report form: “readers will love this story because…”. The inclusion of the relevance of the book comes under the “open the paper up to the world” idea we have talked

about as belonging to the conclusion paragraph: how is the book still relevant today?

  • As this is not a book report, avoid high-falutin’ praise, such as “great”,

“amazing”, “wonderful”, and the like. Also, since it’s not a book report or high school paper, please avoid use of hooks in the introduction.

Smaller Order Concerns

  • Paper is to be in MLA format. All problems with page and quote format,

including the Works Cited page, must by now be cleaned up. Refer to the module 10 class, the MLA format instructional page, and my comments on your previous papers.

  • Sentences must not only have consistent, correct use of Standard English, but they must show variety in complexity and construction. As for all of our papers, nearly all sentences must make solid grammatical sense and show good use of both grammar and language. A paper filled with errors in grammar will not pass.
  • Quotes should be relatively short. Unnecessarily long, indented quotes will not count toward the length requirement. Anything that can be paraphrased should be; save the quotes for unique, specific language. All quotes need to be properly integrated and cited.

Vital Statistics

  • This is to be an 8 – 10 page paper in MLA format, not including the works cited page. To be safe, the minimum length should wrap to the top of the ninth page after you have set your type and margins to MLA standards and deleted any extra lines between paragraphs. Points, or even letter grades, will be deducted for under-length papers.
  • Over the semester, you need to use seven outside sources. You have some choice as to how many outside sources you will use for this paper, but the minimum is four. For instance, you may have used a source for your poetry paper, four sources for this paper, and two sources for the Othello unit.

Grading Notes

  • Your paper should address the prompt, should show thoughtful, careful

reading, and thoughtful, careful development of your ideas. Predictable or canned readings, such as those found in Spark Notes etc., do not show your imagination, skill or confidence as a reader. Engage, have fun, ask questions of the text and yourself, and above all, be inquisitive.


                             Frankenstein’s Scientific Creation

Mary Shelly is regarded as one of the earliest authors of works on science fiction. Her novel, “Frankenstein” is a tale of revenge, love, loss, ambition, and various scientific feats.   Moreover, Frankenstein’s monster life is conflicted, and he appears as a controversial character. The psychology behind the monster’s development is one of the fascinating themes described in this novel. Victor’s scientific creation experiences more sensation s with the world, and he acquires more human-like properties. Besides his physical appearance, his heart is compassionate and resides a gentle child. Moreover, he experiences a complex range of emotions throughout the book. When he tries to enter the world, he is curious, gentle, and innocent, but he becomes confused after he is constantly rejected. According to modern psychology, Frankenstein’s monster is a product of his environment and experiences, particularly entering a harsh world without guidance (Sevecke et al. 4). Therefore, the Frankenstein monster’s development and behavioral changes can be better explained using modern psychology.   

At first, Frankenstein’s scientific creature proves to be human when he shows emotion towards others, tries to fend for himself and takes responsibility for his actions. After the monster receives life and Victor leaves him, he has no choice but to instantly start to fend for himself and try to enter the world by justifying that he is a human being …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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