Discussion assginment (350 words)-Case Project-Language and Power


A)   In this discussion, you will work on paragraphing and transitions in your writing. 

Select two consecutive paragraphs from your case study project and complete the following:

B)   Post the original paragraphs

C)   Revise the paragraphs to include appropriate paragraph breaks and transitions.

D)   Also revise to use semicolons and colons, as appropriate.

E)    Be sure to indicate your revisions in bold type. 

 (rewrite approx. 280 words)

B) In this discussion, you will share your revision process. 

Reflect on your revision process and complete the following:

  • Share an area of your case study project that needs revision. This could be an area that you identified or that was identified by your instructor.
  • Discuss how you plan to make the necessary revisions–including how you plan to improve your grammar and the flow of your essay. 

Case Study Project

Language and Power

Regarding language and power, the ability to use proper grammar communication sets an individual apart from the rest. Good grammar is very noticeable, and if two individuals with similar qualifications apply for the same open job, the one making grammatical errors will have lower chances of getting the first call. Even though not all jobs require the proper use of grammar and strong communication skills, most prefer them. Many applicants have failed to get the jobs because of poor grammar despite their talents, qualifications, and other skills. From an employers’ perspective, an employee with good writing skills is far more promotable and valuable than making grammatical mistakes. Therefore, considering the power of language, some job candidates have an added advantage over others rooted in the proper use of grammar.

At first, for most employers and organizations, it is essential that their employees exhibit good grammar. According to Challenger (2012, par 1), “One of the easiest, quickest and most widely used indicators of a candidate’s worth is his or her grammar.” During hiring, an applicant’s quality of grammar is considered essential and is a significant determinant of whether they will get the job or not. This traditional criterion is still preferable by many employers and companies who continue to apply it. Eliminating and selecting candidates for a job position based on their grammar is still a relevant and common practice. The power of language in employment is evident in the significance of grammar in the hiring process. As a result, those who have good, unambiguous, and clear writing skills are in a better position to be hired than those who have poor grammar regardless of their competence in other job-related skills. 

Moreover, a candidate needs to have good grammatical abilities because they will be perceived as less likely to make other job-related mistakes when they get the job. There must be a reason why employers prefer candidates who have good writing skills. As Challenger (2012, par. 1) argues, “misspellings, poor syntax, and grammatical mistakes typically result in a swift relegation to the ‘no’ pile; the decision-makers reason that the errors disclose either poor communication skills or an indifference toward details”. In the hiring process, the employers believe that if an applicant displays one or more grammatical mistakes, it is an indicator of many other potential errors in tasks related to the job or poor communication skills. [MOU1] Furthermore, “in most jobs, the ability to write clearly and unambiguously remains an essential skill. It distinguishes the worker who takes direction from the boss who can leverage the power of text to write down instructions and leave them for someone else” (Rushkoff, 2013, par. 3). People who write clearly are more likely to be good readers and have enhanced attention. As a result, the ability to communicate effectively and have good grasp skills is preferable to employers because, in the workplace, they help employees ensure that messages are delivered and received promptly, thus having time and resources. When employees have good grammar, there is lessened confusion amongst them, and they are able to file complaints, messages, and voice opinions effectively. Regarding the power of language, candidates who can deliver a grammatically correct message are better and preferable than those who cannot because when they get the job, they will reduce time wasted on follow-up, translation thus enhancing productivity.

Lastly, although grammar constantly changes due to the influence of social media, it remains relevant for most companies. Social media has greatly influenced language, especially grammar, due to new languages formed to communicate and text on social media platforms. According to Rushkoff (2013, par. 4), “Even a poorly constructed tweet reflects a poorly constructed thought, while grammatically lacking e-mail messages have become the hallmark of password phishing scams. Without command of grammar, one can’t even truly read, much less write.” It is important to consider that even on social media platforms, the audience needs texts that are readable and understandable, and in the light of many potential scams, they show the author’s credibility. Even in social media that is dramatically changing language, grammar is still relevant. As Rushkoff (2013) argues, people should write grammatically correct tweets and e-mails because it is readable and understandable and speak much about the author. Writing skills become even more important while searching for a job. Thus, people, especially youths, tend to disregard grammar and punctuation due to social media influence have reduced chances of getting employed. As Truss (2012, par. 1) argues, “when young people are taught to undervalue literacy as a life skill, they are being cruelly misled” Truss (2012) believes that when the schools play down grammar and fail to teach young people about the importance of literacy as a life skill, they place them in a disadvantaged position especially considering that it is a vital element in employment. 

Thus, considering the importance of teaching young people the significance of literacy as a life skill, the education must make more effort to improve students’ literacy from a young age because many people are facing challenges in searching for a job due to poor grammar. It is also important that young people learn that good grammar plays a huge role in their lives especially communicating with others through writing. [MOU2] 

Besides the significance of good grammar, the core values of reliability and efficiency also reflect the need to avoid making grammatical mistakes. Even though eliminating candidates who may be good in other skills seems a little harsh, reliability and efficiency are important values in the workplace. An employer needs someone who can be depended on to deliver the correct message and understand a message sent to them. Also, employers need employees who can communicate efficiently to avoid wasting time or fixing problems that may arise from miscommunication. Good grammar is one of the main ways of preventing such problems from arising. 

In conclusion, traditional criteria of using grammar as a factor in the hiring process are still relevant, and those with proper use of grammar at a better position during employment. Thus, some job candidates have an added advantage over others rooted in the proper use of grammar. Even though what one has to say and how they write it are significant, how they spell, format, and use grammar is equally important. From an employers’ perspective, a grammatical error exposes trait about an applicant which keep them from offering the job. They believe that such mistakes are an indicator of many other job-related mistakes in the workplace; thus, they significantly consider proper use of grammar.


  1. In this discussion, you will work on paragraphing and transitions in your writing. 

Select two consecutive paragraphs from your case study project and complete the following:

  • Post the original paragraphs
  • Revise the paragraphs to include appropriate paragraph breaks and transitions.
  • Also revise to use semicolons and colons, as appropriate.
  • Be sure to indicate your revisions in bold type. 

 [MOU2]B) In this discussion, you will share your revision process. 

Reflect on your revision process and complete the following:

  • Share an area of your case study project that needs revision. This could be an area that you identified or that was identified by your instructor.
  • Discuss how you plan to make the necessary revisions–including how you plan to improve your grammar and the flow of your essay. 


                                   Discussion assignment


At first, for most employers and organizations, it is essential that their employees exhibit good grammar. According to Challenger (2012, par 1), “One of the easiest, quickest and most widely used indicators of a candidate’s worth is his or her grammar.” During hiring, an applicant’s quality of grammar is considered essential and is a significant determinant of whether they will get the job or not. This traditional criterion is still preferable by many employers and companies who continue to apply it. Eliminating and selecting candidates for a job position based on their grammar is still a relevant and common practice. The power of language in employment is evident in the significance of grammar in the hiring process. As a result, those who have good, unambiguous, and clear writing skills are in a better position to be hired than those who have poor grammar regardless of their competence in other job-related skills.

Moreover, a candidate needs to have good grammatical abilities because they will be perceived as less likely to make other job-related mistakes when they get the job. There must be a reason why employers prefer candidates who have good writing skills. As Challenger (2012, par. 1) argues, “misspellings, poor syntax and grammatical mistakes typically result in a swift relegation to the ‘no’ pile; the decision makers reason that the errors disclose either poor communication skills or an indifference toward details”. In the hiring process, the employers believe that if an applicant displays one or more grammatical mistakes, it is an indicator of many other potential errors in tasks related to the job or poor communication skills. 


At first, for most employers and organizations, it is essential that their employees exhibit good grammar. According to Challenger (2012, par 1), “One of the easiest, quickest and most widely used indicators of a candidate’s worth is his or her grammar.” During hiring, an applicant’s quality of grammar is considered essential, a significant determinant of whether they will get the job or not. This traditional criterion is still preferable by many employers and companies who continue to apply it. Furthermore, eliminating and selecting candidates for a job position based on their grammar is still a relevant and common practice. The power of language in employment is evident in the significance of grammar in the hiring process. Consequently, those who have good, unambiguous, and clear writing skills are better positioned to be hired than those who have poor grammar regardless of their competence in other job-related skills. Therefore, exhibiting good grammar is important for job candidates because it is part of the evaluation done by the employers during the hiring process……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address: consulttutor10@gmail.com

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