Civil Rights


Part 1:

1. Explain the history of Civil Rights in the United States.

2. Next, explain what the ramifications were of the Supreme Court’s 1954 decision in Brown vs Board of Education. How did this expand civil rights in the US

3. Finally, explain the importance of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. 

Use the text and resources below:

Part 2:

[Module Learning Objectives Assessed: 9.1, 9.2, 9.3]

Women’s Rights

  1. Explain how women have gained substantial protection against discrimination through laws and court cases.
  2. Then, using the links below explain why some women believe that there is still significant work to be done in expanding civil rights?

Use the text and resources below:

Once you have posted your response, the other students’ responses will appear. Please read over the other students’ response and then reply to at least one classmate. In your reply identify something you had not previously been aware of or something which challenges you to think differently.

Your response must be at least 300 words. List all web resources and referenced materials that were used. You must use the APA citation style format in listing references used and in parenthetical citations.


                                                Civil Rights

         The civil rights movement was formed by African Americans fighting to gain equal rights and end racial discrimination under the law in the united states. It started in the 1950s and ended in the 1960s. It was a peaceful movement that led to more laws enhancing equality among all individuals in the US regardless of color, sex, and race (History Learning Site, 2021). Some white Americans joined hands with the African Americans and started an exceptional fight for equality that lasted for two decades and resulted to various changes.

Though the Supreme Court’s ruling in Brown vs Board of education (1954) failed to solely eliminate segregation in schools, it ignited the nascent civil rights movement in the US. In 1955, Rosa Parks resisted segregation in a Montgomery, Alabama bus after the decision in Brown vs Board. This led to her being arrested, which sparked the Montgomery bus boycott resulting in other boycotts, demonstrations, and sit-ins (History Learning Site, 2021). After Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, a more intense desegregation process started welcoming more equality laws such as in housing and voting (History Learning Site, 2021) ……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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