
Original Intent and the United States Constitution

Question What is the original intent original intent and the united states constitution? TEXTBOOK / READING Barton, David: Original Intent. The Courts, The Constitution, and Religion. Wallbuilders, 1996. Danoff, Brian and L Hebert Jr.: Alexis de Tocqueville and the Art of Democratic Statesmanship. Lexington Books, 2011. Garraty, John: Quarrels That Have Shaped The Constitution. Harper …

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The Mind of Odysseus

Question Your task is to write a 3-5 page essay summarizing our advanced readings. “Nagy 2013 – The Mind of Odysseus” First, think about the books of the Iliad or Odyssey covered in your chosen week. Choose one of the major themes, major episodes or characters which interests you, read it and summarize it/them with accuracy and detail (what happened? …

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Book Review of Book title: Travelers in the Third Reich Author: Julia Boyd

Question Book Review of Book title: Travelers in the Third Reich Author: Julia Boyd Remember, when writing your review, you audience is your classmates and your professors. The following specifics should be applied to your assignment: 3-5 pages long Provide complete bibliographic information at the front (i.e., author’s name, title, place of publication, publisher, year …

Book Review of Book title: Travelers in the Third Reich Author: Julia Boyd Read More »

The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights

Question For this assignment, create a 500+ word essay OR a 5+ minute narrated presentation discussing the United States Constitution and its role in the evolution of civil rights and civil liberties. In your product, discuss the following points: introduce the history, purpose, and seven articles of the U.S. Constitution; introduce the Bill of Rights, including why …

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