Article Reflection Critique



Read your selected scholarly peer-reviewed journal article. Summarize the information illuminating the most salient points.  Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the information making critical connections, judgments, and evaluation about the content.  Write an Article Reflection Critique (critical reflection) sharing your evaluation.  The reflection should include:

The Components that should:

·       Identify multiple issues/and positions and the reasoning behind them.

·       Compares issues present to your personal or professional experiences

·       Provide analysis of personal or professional awareness and thinking

·       Compare and Contrast with information from any of your course textbooks, class discussions, professional educational organizations or the published works of other scholars.

·       Make a connection to current events or other scholarly works (it may be helpful to review current professional journal articles)

Critical reflections must be word-processed in an essay format using graduate-level discourse.  Use the guidelines for APA format to present your reflection.   Review the Critical Reflections Rubric #2 for additional clarification for scoring. 

The content organization and layout for your paper should follow the basic outline below: 

1.    APA Title page

2.    Introduction: Begin your essay with an introduction to the content and concepts that will be discussed. You may want to clearly identify the topic or issue related to your research. 

3.    Summary: Use appropriate subheadings to guide the organization of your reflection which will make it easier for the reader to follow.  Summarize the information offered in the article or topic making sure to offer a good balance of information but not simply repeating the content. 

4.    Analysis/Evaluation: Discuss your analysis and evaluation of the information/content.

5.    Scholarly Reflection: After reading and summarizing the text or topic assigned, critically reflect and critique the information making connections with your personal and professional life experiences, current events, class discussions, course information, and other scholarly information.  Include how this information might be used by you or others in the teaching profession. 

6.    Conclusion: Provide an overall summary of the paper.

7.    Reference page


                           Behavioral-Focused Alternative Schools


Alternative schools were established to address the needs of students who face challenges in learning effectively in a conventional school environment due to their emotional or behavioral disorders.  There have been compromised findings and suggestions about how behavior-focused alternative schools influence the outcomes of students labeled with behavioral and emotional problems. The article by Wilkerson et al. (2016) states that there has been little attention in investigating how outcomes with EBD enrolled in behavior-focused alternative schools compare to those of students with the same characteristics but are in traditional schools. In the first place, students labeled with emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD) are referred to alternative schools because they are different in significant ways from their peers enrolled in traditional high schools. Moreover, according to Wilkerson et al. (2016), limited studies are examining the social and behavioral outcomes of students relocated to alternative schools. This is a concern because, despite not having evidence on the efficacy of alternative schools, local education agencies (LEAs) still use these schools and relocate students labeled with EBD to them. As a result, in this article, Wilkerson et al. (2016) aim to contribute to pasts studies associated with alternative schools by including academic and behavioral outcomes of students with behavioral and emotional problems and comparing them with students with similar characteristics enrolled in conventional high schools. Wilkerson et al. (2016) found that enrollment to alternative schools is linked to significantly fewer office discipline referrals, lower school attendance, and fewer credits earned per semester compared to enrollment in convectional schools for students with similar characteristics. Also, there was no significant difference in rates of suspensions. This paper argues that even though alternative schools are established to meet the needs of students labeled with EBD, to increases their chances of finishing high school, they have failed to help them in the most basic ways; thus, there is a need for LEAs to enhance their effectiveness or look into new options……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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