Question (Albert Einstein Letters to Franklin D Roosevelt)
Description (Albert Einstein Letters to Franklin D Roosevelt)
Why did Einstein write to FDR? What were his specific concerns?
What did he claim was happening in Germany that prompted him to send follow up letters?
Take note of the date of each letter. Does Einstein express greater urgency with each letter? If so, how and why?
There is a primary source for this essay: https://hypertextbook.com/eworld/einstein/
Solution (Albert Einstein Letters to Franklin D Roosevelt)
Albert Einstein Letters to Franklin D Roosevelt
Following the discrimination and persecution of the Jews and the left-leaning intellectuals in Germany, Albert Einstein fled to America in 1933. Einstein was already a famous scientist by then where he had received a Nobel Prize in Physics, and his work had already reached international fame. Therefore, he had a smooth entry into the US. This essay outlines why Einstein wrote the four letters to Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Einstein wrote to Roosevelt warning him that the Nazis were trying to develop nuclear weapons (“Albert Einstein’s letters to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt – E-World” 1). He also used that opportunity to describe to Roosevelt how destructive a uranium-made bomb can be. He gave a small example stating that it could destroy an entire port and areas surrounding it. He also alarmed the growing demand for uranium across the world following these weapons development. Einstein’s major concern was that if the Nazis succeeded in developing these bombs first, they could continue their brutal regimes to……………………for help with this assignment (Albert Einstein Letters to Franklin D Roosevelt) contact us via Email Address: consulttutor10@gmail.com
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