Describe the acute physiological effects alcohol has on the body. Make sure to include toxic reactions, the St. Bernard Myth, diuretic effects, effects on sleep, effects on pregnancy, and interactions with other drugs. Additionally, be sure to include the acute behavioral effects of alcohol.
Drugs, Society, and Criminal Justice
Charles F. Levinthal, 2015
ISBN.13: 978-0-133-80258-0
Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol consumption can leave noticeable psychological effects on the body; thus, it can easily impact an individual’s mental, personal, and physical wellbeing. There are common psychological effects of alcohol. At first, alcohol consumption especially too much drinking within a short period of time can cause alcohol intoxication that affects breathing, gag reflex, heart rate, and body temperature (Levinthal, 2015). Additionally, acute intoxication can lead to cardiovascular collapse, hypotension, respiratory depression, and aspiration. Thus severe alcohol intoxication can lead to a coma or death.
Additionally, according to St. Bernard Myth which entails two Saints Bernard’s rescuing an injured one, the dogs carried a barrel filled with brandy in order to stay warmer. However, this myth today is believed to be false because even though alcohol makes one feel warmer, especially in the belly, it actually causes the blood vessel to dilate, thus making one colder (Levinthal, 2015). After drinking alcohol, the blood rushes to the skin’s surface, causing a warming sensation but it lowers the overall body temperature rapidly. Since alcohol is a diuretic, it can also cause dehydration. Alcohol causes the removal of fluids out of the body through the ureters, kidneys, and bladder at a higher rate compared to other liquids.…………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address: