Mythology and Culture


This course includes a project and paper on a topic of your choice. This project has four parts:

  1. Topic Choice: Choosing and describing your topic
  2. Annotated Bibliography: finding scholarly sources for your project and briefly summarizing them
  3. Final Paper: about 5-7 pages, typed, double-spaced, following APA format
  4. Project Summary Discussion: a discussion where you share what you learned with your classmates.

The intention of this project is to give a more in-depth opportunity for you to study a topic in mythology and culture you are interested in, as well as to practice researching that topic, working with different sources, and communicating your learning and analysis.

Topic Choice

At this stage you will pick a topic for your paper and briefly explain it. The topic must be related to the course subject matter. That is, it should deal with mythology and/or how narratives are related to or shape culture. There is considerable latitude in choosing a culture and/or mythology to work with. You can choose a modern culture, or an ancient one, for example, and you can choose any world culture or mythology. However, you must make sure you a find reliable information to use for your topic, and you must get your topic okayed by the instructor.

You must choose one of the following approaches to this project. You can:

  • Interview someone
  • Observe a holiday, ritual, or worship service
  • Analyze a work of art or literature
  • Analyze a particular myth or religious story

Each of these is described further below.

Interview: Interview someone about the stories they grew up with and their cultural background. This can include such various things as their religious beliefs and/or the holidays or rituals they participate in.

In your Topic Choice assignment identify the person you plan to interview and very generally what you expect to learn about from them.

Note that your Final Paper should quote your interviewee, but should not just be a transcript of your interview. Work what you learned from the interview into text of the Final Paper. Also, include in your Final Paper contact information (email or phone number) for your interviewee.

Use your secondary sources (from the Annotated Bibliography) to help set a context for what you learned, as well as to understand, analyze, and interpret what you learned from the interview.

Observation: If you choose this option you must choose a holiday, ritual, or worship service that you observe for this assignment during this course. In your Topic Choice assignment identify the date, place, and occasion of the observation.

In your Final Paper include the details of your observation, including the time, date, place, and occasion of the observation. You must include some documentation of the observation such as a selfie at the place of the observation or a photo of a brochure from the occasion.

Use your secondary sources (from the Annotated Bibliography) to help set a context for what you observed, as well as to understand, analyze, and interpret what you learned from the occasion.

Analyze a work of art or literature: Choose a work of art, such as a sculpture, painting, or theater performance, or a work of literature to analyze. Make sure the work uses mythological themes. You may not choose a movie or TV series. If you choose literature, you will need to read the source or have read it already. Of you choose art or a performance, you do not need to see it in person, but you should plan to spend some time studying the image of it (or watching a version of the performance).  

In your Topic Choice assignment identify the work of art or literature you will use for this assignment. If you use a work of art, include a picture of it in your Final Paper on the last page, or a link (if it is a performance).

Use your secondary sources (from the Annotated Bibliography) to help set a context for the work, as well as to understand, analyze, and interpret its meaning.

Analyze a myth or religious story: For this option you can choose to read and interpret a myth or religious story. In your Topic Choice identify a good primary source to use for the story in question. In your Final Paper consider the context of the story or myth, what it means, and how it has been interpreted by at least one culture or religious community in history.

Use your secondary sources (from the Annotated Bibliography) to explain the context of the story, as well as to understand, analyze, and interpret it. 


In your Topic Choice submission identify the following for your topic:

  • Your topic – what you want to study in this project
  • Which of the four approaches you will choose for the topic, and the details of that choice (i.e. who you will interview, or what you will observe, or what work you will study, or what myth you will analyze)
  • A brief explanation of why this topic interests you
  • Anything else that helps flesh out the topic, including any questions you might have about it.

The total length of the Topic Choice should be about half a page, double-spaced, but you are welcome to write more. You may use the Topic Choice Worksheet if that is easier for the sake of organization, but it is optional. If you use it, download, fill it out, save it, and reupload it. 


Topic Choice

In this project, I will focus on life after death in Christian Faith particularly how different Christian have interpreted the promise of eternal life given by Jesus Christ.

Additionally, I will use the fourth approach, which entails analyzing this Christian belief with the Bible as the primary source. There are many reasons that Christians find in the Bible to believe in life after death. The main reason includes Jesus’ promise of eternal life to his followers as written in John 11:25-26, John 3:16, and Luke 23:39-43. 

I choose this topic because, in this world, nothing can be said to be certain except death. This is the real truth because one of the things we all have in common is that everyone dies. At one time or another, most people wonder what will happen when I die? Death feels frightening and mysterious, and perspectives on what happens and what it means vary significantly, in this case, in the Christian faith.

Life after death is the subject of many films and books. It’s a topic that has always fascinated individuals. Some hope that heaven exists and they will be brought together with their loved ones. Others, on the other hand, strongly believe that there’s nothing beyond this life and that’s the end of it once we die. However, in their understanding of life after death, Christians also differ. For instance, there exists a Catholic view of purgatory. On the other hand, many Protestants oppose purgatory but believe that a person can enter heaven immediately after dying.  However, for those who share this view, is entry into heaven is seen to be related to the actions of a person or the love and forgiveness of God? In this project, I will examine some different views on this topic, including what the Bible has to say about it, to help find some answers to the questions……………for help with this assignment (Annotated Bibliography and Final Essay) contact us via email Address:

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