7.2: Reflection Assignment Instructions


7.2: Reflection Assignment Instructions


You will write a candid reflective essay on your experience in this course. Consider your fears, concerns, and hopes when you started this course and how your thoughts and feelings changed as you worked through each essay.

Criteria for This Assignment

Length and Formatting Requirements

One to three pages (750 to 1200 words), double spaced Times New Roman, 12-point font

Content Requirements

Candid, open, and honest exploration of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences Cohesive construction with effective developmental flow

As you work on the assignment, please review the note on plagiarism if you have any questions as to what you may or may not use from the presented materials and/or outside sources in your paper.



Every time I read works from skillful writers like newspapers, articles, and journals, it was hard to determine how they came up with all those ideas putting them together into an interesting argument. Moreover, I had no idea how to generate essays without getting out of their main argument’s track. However, after taking this course, now I understand everything, including the skills they apply. I have tried to apply some while others remain challenging to me. During my writing in this course, I have improved in writing essays using logic and rhetorical techniques and synthesizing my ideas while still struggling to create a strong thesis and address a wide range of audience.

At first, I have learned that in order to convince the audience; I have to present my argument using rhetorical techniques logically.  I realized to strengthen my ideas, I have to add appeal to logic, ethics, and emotions …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address: consulttutor10@gmail.com

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