Social Media Survey Analysis

PSY-452 Experimental Psychology

Part 1: Social Media Survey Data Collection

In the table below, compile survey data from the five surveys including yours. For each question record how many responses for each answer.

 Response AResponse BResponse CResponse DResponse E
Question 155554
Question 213132
Question 335224
Question 455454
Question 543112
Question 645311
Question 724112
Question 825114
Question 955515
Question 1011111
Question 1134335
Question 1223233
Question 1345344
Question 1444344
Question 1521222
Question 1634224
Question 1743452
Question 1811112
Question 1921214
Question 2023242
Question 2141214
Question 2213432
Question 2323451
Question 2422254
Question 2523431

Part 2: Social Media Survey Analysis

In 75-100 words for each question below, analyze the results of your surveyed information (450-600 words total). Include the following in your reflection and support your answers with scholarly references and research:

  1. Can any of the questions be misunderstood?  Why or why not?
  2. Are the questions biased or slanted? Why or why not?
  3. Is the wording of the questions leading or misleading? Why or why not?
  4. Is the best response format used? Why or why not?
  5. Were there questions in which someone may lie to appear more desirable?
  6. Why are the questions worded the way they are? (Refer to the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale on page 111 of the textbook)

PSY 452

Social Media Survey

The following survey is for social media users and is for experimental purposes. Please answer honestly. Data collected will test a hypothesis about social media users in general.

Highlight the answer that you most identify with below each statement:

  1. I have at least one social media account.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I update my status on social media more than 2 times a day.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I read the comments of my friends 3 times a day.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I visit social media frequently.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I like to post pictures of myself participating in various activities on my social media page.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I like to post pictures of my children and/or pets on my social media page.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I comment on others’ social media accounts more than four times a day.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I enjoy writing on others’ social media pages.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I do not like to post political items on my social media page.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  1. I post political items on my social media page every day.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  1. Social media is a great way to network professionally.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  1. I feel better after I read posts on social media. It relaxes me.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  1. I feel happy after reading about my friends’ activities and vacations on social media.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  1. I sometimes feel angry after reading some posts on social media.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  1. Reading about what others are doing in their lives on social media makes me feel bad about my own life.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  1. I feel happier after visiting my social media accounts.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  1. I believe most social media users are not honest in their posts about their lives.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  1. I change my profile picture once a week on social media.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  1. I have a multiple social media accounts, but I rarely use them.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • Reading social media posts and comments is good for my feelings of self-worth.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I post only good quality photos of myself on social media because I want others to think I look good.
 strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I never post pictures of myself on social media.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I believe social networking is overrated.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • I use social networking to make new contacts for my personal and professional life.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree
  • Reading social media is a complete waste of time.
strongly disagreedisagreeNeutralagreestrongly agree


PSY-452 Experimental Psychology

Part 1: Social Media Survey Data Collection

In the table below, compile survey data from the five surveys including yours. For each question record how many responses for each answer.

 Response AResponse BResponse CResponse DResponse E
Question 155554
Question 213132
Question 335224
Question 455454
Question 543112
Question 645311
Question 724112
Question 825114
Question 955515
Question 1011111
Question 1134335
Question 1223233
Question 1345344
Question 1444344
Question 1521222
Question 1634224
Question 1743452
Question 1811112
Question 1921214
Question 2023242
Question 2141214
Question 2213432
Question 2323451
Question 2422254
Question 2523431

Part 2: Social Media Survey Analysis

In 75-100 words for each question below, analyze the results of your surveyed information (450-600 words total). Include the following in your reflection and support your answers with scholarly references and research:

  1. Can any of the questions be misunderstood?  Why or why not?

None of the survey’s questions can be misunderstood. The questions are written in a clear and efficient way, making it simple to understand what is being asked. Since this survey is aimed at social media users, the questions should be easy to understand. There are no open-ended questions because they are all formatted for an agree or disagree response, which eliminates the need for the participant to interpret the question. Since some questions may require further explanation, the answers to choose from allow for more intense feelings about the question.

  1. Are the questions biased or slanted? Why or why not?

Apart from being tailored to social media users, the questions are not biased or slanted in any way. There are questions about how people use social media in various ways, such as reading posts, networking, and posting pictures. The emphasis is not solely on professional or personal applications. There are also questions about how the participants feel about other people on social media. The fact that no specific social media platform is mentioned also contributes to the survey’s neutrality.

Is the wording of the questions leading or misleading? Why or why not? .……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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