Chronicling America: The 1848 Alabama Platform

Question Using the Chronicling America website, the student will examine a local or state political event from the state (or adjacent state) of the student’s current home (or birth/raising, if desired). This could be an election, controversy, political party dispute, debate, etc. The event must have occurred before 1931, and the student must find reference …

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Straight, Christian, White, Able-Bodied, Male and Property Holding (SCWAMP)

Question First, you will need to watch the film, Save the Last Dance. What does the acronym “SCWAMP” stand for? What is the general premise/plot line of Save the Last Dance?” What is the gist of author Lisa Grinner’s argument in “Hip Hop Sees No Color…” ? In other words, what does the identification and application of …

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Evaluating Sources

Question Introduction“Everyone is entitled to their own opinions – but not their own facts.” (Daniel Patrick Moynihan, cited in Vanity Fair, 2010, para. 2) We form opinions – and make our judgments – based on facts we observe and values we hold. Our judgments are also influenced by the opinions of others. In the section …

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We Can, But Dare We?

Question Scenario Please see the below scenario and discuss how you would handle this situation. You are a department of health nurse responding to an epidemic, Virus M22, in your county. As a registered nurse investigator analyzing patient data to discover a trend and treatment options, you are tasked with collecting and analyzing real patient …

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