Weekly Reflections: The Outsider & Poetry is not a luxury

Question Readings: The Outsider https://aeon.co/essays/how-useful-is-impostor-syndrome-in-academia Poetry is not a luxury https://makinglearning.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/poetry-is-not-a-luxury-audre-lorde.pdf Guidelines for Weekly Reflections These won’t be as formal or organized as a reflection paper, but they will be more detailed than a list of jotted notes. You should be reflecting on all the readings for the week, viewed as a whole. These reflections …

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Content Analysis

Question For this assignment, you will watch three television shows and analyze them for verbal and physical violence portrayed in the show. Use the attached document “Content Analysis,” to complete the first part of the assignment. Then, in 250-500 words, do the following: Describe what was discovered in this content analysis. State the findings of …

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Research Paper Topic

Question M1 Unit 3: Research Paper Topic Instructions M1 Assignment: Research Paper Topic Instructions                     Overview For this assignment, you will write a short paper about the topic you think you might like for your final paper. Your final paper will be a 6-8 page argumentative essay on a social justice theme in US History from …

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Reflection Essay assignment: Pauline Maier, Ratification

Question Book title: Ratification Author: Pauline Majer Reflection Essay assignment: Pauline Maier, Ratification You will write a 1000-word reflection essay on Pauline Maier’s book, Ratification. Your essay should not summarize the book, but should answer both of the following questions and place the book in context of the development of American Constitutional law. Your essay …

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