Review of four (4) Peer Review Journal Articles


Review of four (4) Peer Review Journal Articles:

You will read and critique 4 counseling articles with 2 quantitative, 2 qualitative, and 1mixed methods, published in one of the ACA or ACA division journals. Critique each section of the journal article and its basic research concepts (e.g., problem statement, purpose of the study, procedures, participants, reliability, validity, design, generalizability, implications, limitations). It is important to sound like a researcher.

Use Times New Roman, 12-point font only. APA style is not required but grammar is important. Three (3) pages maximum.

`Review of Article Questions Sheet


1) Article/Reference (APA style)

2) The theoretical issue or research question (Identify answer to this question from the title of the journal article, its Abstract, or the end of introduction)

3) Background Information –

3a). Definition of key terms

3b). Important information from studies/theories. (Read all paragraphs in the introduction/literature review of the journal article carefully and provide important information from each paragraph).

4) The specific hypotheses of the study

5) Independent Variable(s)/Predictor Variable(s)

5a) How did the author(s) operationalize the variables?

6) Dependent Variable(s)/Outcome Variable(s)

6a) How did the author(s) operationalize the variables?

7) Participants


8) Procedures

9) Instruments

10) The results/findings of the study (Interpret the results as best as you can. Merely listing the numbers without understanding them is not helpful)

11) The Conclusions / Discussion

12) Future Research Areas



`Review of Article Questions Sheet


1) Article/Reference (APA style)

Lozano-Verduzco, I., Fernández-Niño, J. A., & Baruch-Domínguez, R. (2017). Association between internalized homophobia and mental health indicators in LGBT individuals in Mexico City. Salud mental40(5), 219-225.

2) The theoretical issue or research question (Identify answer to this question from the title of the journal article, its Abstract, or the end of introduction)

This study aims to determine the relationship between internalized homophobia, violence, discrimination, and community connectedness to two primary mental health indicators: depressive symptomatology and alcohol use.

3) Background Information –

3a). Definition of key terms

All the key terms in this article, including homophobia, discrimination, mental health, and alcohol use, are well defined in the introduction part. For instance, mental health is defined as the state in which one is aware of their own capacities is able to work productively and cope with everyday stress, while homophobia is defined as fear, hatred, or aversion towards LGBT people.

3b). Important information from studies/theories. (Read all paragraphs in the introduction/literature review of the journal article carefully and provide important information from each paragraph).

This study indicates internalized homophobia is among the main risk factors of distress suffered by LGBT individuals rooted in violence, stigma, and discrimination. Also, from previous studies, the two of the primary motivators of alcohol abuse that is frequent among LGBT people are homophobic violence and discrimination. The researchers used the literature review to define the variables in this study adequately and provided an idea of the direction of the research.

4) The specific hypotheses of the study

Internalized homophobia. Violence and discrimination are positively related to depressive symptomatology and alcohol use, while community connectedness is negatively related to depressive symptomatology and alcohol use.

5) Independent Variable(s)/Predictor Variable(s)

The independent variables in this study are internalized homophobia, violence, discrimination, and community connectedness.

5a) How did the author(s) operationalize the variables?

The researchers explained how each variable would be measured, the tools to be used, and the limitations of controlling them.

6) Dependent Variable(s)/Outcome Variable(s)

The dependent variables in this study include depressive symptomatology and alcohol use.

6a) How did the author(s) operationalize the variables?

The authors identified the measuring tools and explained how each variable would be measured.

7) Participants……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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