Researched Argument Essay


ENGL 102

Assignment # 1- Researched argument essay

a. Due date –…..

b. Number of pages – 8 to 10 pages.

c. The researched essay carries 40% of the whole grade.

d. The researched essay should be presented in the following structure:

a. Issue proposal

b. Introduction

– Introduces the topic,

– Provides the research problem that will be addressed by the research,

– Clearly states the claim or the thesis statement,

– Presents brief description of the sub-sections of the research.

c. Section one

– Provides the literature review or background reading on the topic (issue),

– More information from secondary sources.

d. Section two

– Presents at least one primary source, i.e. data collected through interview, questionnaire, survey, field

trip, etc.

e. Section three

– Presents the analysis by the researcher based on data collected from primary and secondary


– Presents the opinion and position of the researcher on the topic. Your final position, or claim or thesis,

on the topic should be given based on the analysis done in the research.

Conclusion and recommendations – Brief concluding remarks to be followed by recommendations.

– Works cited- Ten sources (use MLA format)

f. There will be a short (five to ten minutes) presentation on the highlights, conclusion and

recommendations of the researched essay. Details on the presentation will be announced later.

g. The draft of the Researched Argument essay is due on April 7, 2021.

h. Use 12-point font and double space.

i. Writer’s revision memo-

· Explain the purpose of the first writing assignment — what were you trying to achieve by writing it? Do

you feel that you successfully met your goal? Why or why not?

· What do you see as the most effective part of your current draft, and why? The least effective?

· Identify the most helpful piece of feedback you received on your draft. Why did you find it helpful?

· Explain in detail what changes you are going to make to this draft before submitting it to me. Why those

specific changes?

· What additional changes might you make to this piece of writing? What are the things that you still

think it needs but aren’t sure how to fix?


                    Early Childhood Education in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, millions of young children don’t have access to quality basic education (Ed et al. 3). Furthermore, the Ethiopian government plays a major role in offering primary, secondary, and tertiary education but has ignored basic early childhood education. As a result, most of the Ethiopian population never attended early childhood education, for it is not mandatory in the country.  Considering the growing evidence of the importance of early childhood education, these young Ethiopian children are missing a crucial level in their development. With Ethiopia being the country I originated, I wanted to investigate early childhood education in Ethiopia to highlight the problems facing this level of education as a guide for future action and policies.


Following the growing importance of early childhood education across the globe, I will investigate the problems facing this level of education in Ethiopia and recommend how this situation can be improved.  According to Bakken et al., students who participate in early childhood education demonstrate higher school readiness (255). As a result, with increased participation in these early programs, there are higher enrollment rates into first grade, fewer cases of delayed enrollment and dropouts, lower rates of repetition, and high academic achievement and completion. As UNESCO states, “early childhood sets the foundations for life” (7). Despite all the benefits of early childhood education, the Ethiopian government has overlooked this critical education stage and has a limited intervention. For instance, there is not government budget allocated to preschool education, and this important stage is not compulsory in this country. Therefore, even though there is vast evidence that young children benefit from early childhood education, the Ethiopian government fails to pr ovide this basic right to may Ethiopian children adequately. The Ethiopian government continues to struggle in emphasizing enough on providing high-quality early learning for all children in the country. As a result, there is no mandatory preschool education in Ethiopia, and early childhood education has been unevenly established. Thus, this research will focus on how early education is presented today in Ethiopia. Guided by the beneficial impact and the current challenges facing early childhood education in Ethiopia, there is a need for the Ethiopian government to increase funding, resources, and intervention to provide high-quality education for all children.

Moreover, through a literature review, this paper will describe the beneficial impact of early childhood education and the various challenges facing how this crucial stage of education is presented in Ethiopia. Additionally, data collected from an interview with Ethiopian early childhood education teachers will help show why there is a need for more government intervention in ensuring high-quality education for young children in the country.  Moreover, the paper will conclude by analyzing the data collected and giving recommendations towards improving early childhood education in Ethiopia.

                                                  Section One

According to Kartal, there is a need for more investment to improve early childhood education (544). Kartal calls for more investment in early learning programs because “Early childhood development and education services are interventions that aim to support 0-8 aged children’s development (i.e., cognitive, physical, emotional, and social), provide them with healthy and adequate development, protect, give learning opportunities, develop their own self-sufficiency” (544). Additionally, she states that early learning is crucial because it provides young children with well-structured instruction outside the family setting. This instruction helps prepare a child to become a productive and responsible member of society. Therefore, as Kartal argues, if every Ethiopian child has an opportunity to receive high-quality preschool education, there would be a “reduction in children’s behaviors toward crime and percentage of arrestment; care for children’s nutrition and increase their immunity level” (545) …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

Section Two

Using a telephone interview, I  interviewed ten preschool teachers regarding  Ethiopian early childhood education particularly the instructional strategies, curriculum, and qualification requirements. In the question on the qualifications one needs to start teaching at this stage of education, nine responded that a teaching degree was not required. Eight of these teachers hold a preschool certificate that takes one year of training, and two a diploma that takes three years of training. Students who have completed tenth grade can enroll in these teacher training programs. Among the participants interviewed,  none held a degree in childhood education or any other field. Therefore, without proper qualification, it is challenging for a teacher to implement effective teaching strategies in early childhood education, given that this is a crucial stage in the educational journey. In Ethiopia, most preschoolers lack proper content information and background knowledge; thus, they lack the expertise to provide high-quality pre-primary education …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

                                            Section Three

The gathered information presented the importance of pre-primary education and an overview of early childhood education in Ethiopia. At first, children who have an opportunity to access pre-primary experiences have better cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development compared to those who do not attend preschool.  Moreover, they are more ready to join a primary school where these early learning experiences elevate their academic achievement throughout their educational journey. Additionally, with adequate learning resources and proper instruction, young children acquire crucial skills; thus, high-quality early childhood education builds a foundation for a productive and meaningful life. However, in Ethiopia, the government has limited interactions with early childhood education; thus, this sector faces limited resources and a shortage of preschool teachers. Since the government concentrates more on primary and secondary education, there are inadequate early childhood education resources to support best teaching and learning methods and special needs kids. Moreover, since the private sector has dominated early childhood education and mainly in urban areas, young Ethiopian children from low-income families and rural areas are less do not have access to such opportunities. As a result, many students in Ethiopia do not attend early childhood education …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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