Research Paper Proposal: The Benefit of Art On School-Aged Children


Research Paper Proposal:

Students submit a 3 – 4 page proposal that includes a one-page introduction of the topic that

addresses personal and theoretical backgrounds, conceptual framework, problem statement, rationale, significance, and research question – about 800 words); a one-and-a half to twopage preliminary review of the literature; a half to one-page notice of the proposed methodological approach, and a preliminary bibliography. This proposal should clearly identify and state a research topic and question of interest and produce a concise, critical investigation of a proposed issue relevant to the field of art education. Suggestions for locating sources and strategies for preparing the proposal will be discussed.

Research Topic : The benefit of art on school aged children.

Question: How do school aged children benefit from art?


*Social emotional

*Physical and mental development

*Speech – express themselves


The Benefit of Art On School-Aged Children

Many studies are identifying the importance of the arts in the lives of young children. An aesthetic experience and participating in arts are part of the most important aspects of human feeling and action (IJdens, 2018). Research has also identified that art plays a crucial role in child development. Children learn how to sing, draw and dance before they even learn how to write and read; thus, arts are the first literacies of a child. However, there is evidence that art is not among the priorities in the US educational system (Roege & Kim, 2013). Many districts have increased math and language and reading arts instructional time, while some have decreased the instructional time for art education (Holochwost et al., 2021). Unlike other cultures that view themselves as highly civilized, the US requires special arguments in order to include arts in general education. It is problematic that the current high-stakes testing environment does include arts because, according to previous research, school-aged children will have many benefits from participating in arts, such as enhanced student’s perceptions of the world, serve as an alternative way to how they view reality and have long term benefits that will help these children in adulthood, especially in the labor market. As Roege and Kim (2013) suggest, actions towards expanding arts education in schools are positive ones; thus, more research concerning incorporating arts into general education is needed to justify and guide this trend where art is become a priority and is gaining more attention and recognition a vital aspect of the public school curriculum. School-aged children can excel in and through art education. This study addresses the research question: How do school-aged children benefit from art? Therefore, this study aims to demonstrate the importance of art on school-aged children.

                                          Literature Review

A wide range of studies supports the notion that participation in arts is beneficial for school-aged children. Multiple studies have demonstrated the academic benefit of arts among students. At first, in a meta-analysis of various studies performed by Henry (2002), it was found that children who learn music have higher proficiency and improved achievement in math. Additional verbal SAT scored and cognitive and reading development was also found to improve. Henry (220) also found that students who learned visual arts had organized their writing better, while this participation promoted their sophisticated reading skills and ability to interpret sophisticated texts. Lastly, Henry (2002) found that learning a combination of art programs had a positive impact on their reading, math, and verbal skills and ability for higher-order thinking such as problem-solving and analyzing. Additionally, Guggenheim study also suggests arts learning positively impacts literacy skills. This study which included third graders who learned through art programs, found that they were had enhanced abilities hypothesizing, describing texts, and reasoning after they discussed the meanings of paintings (Kennedy, 2006). Also, in courses where social studies, science, math, and other subjects integrated arts, improvements in math and reading were identified (Kennedy, 2006) ……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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