Research and write a 5-7 paper on an issue that affects children and families and identify a community agency in support of that particular issue


Research Paper & Agency Report (150 points)

Students will research and write a 5-7 paper on an issue that affects children and families and identify a community agency in support of that particular issue (minimum 3 page agency report). A specific format guideline will be provided and discussed in class. (150 pt)

Research Paper Report (100 points)


Agency Report (50 points)

Submit only one file that contains both the research and agency report. these should be labeled and separated by cover pages.



Write a research paper, choosing a topic that relates to an at-risk group centered around children or families.
Follow the outline provided to help guide your research.
Use your research skills gained from the ordination you completed for this course.
Use APA format
website such as citation machine (Links to an external site.) may be helpful to you


HUMAN SERVICE AGENCY REPORT / Child 1 community agency report outline and rubric (online (2).docxActions

Identify a human service agency that provides support for children and families connected with your written report. The agency must be a local agency (although it can be part of a larger organization).

Organize to have interviews conducted over the phone or via zoom.
What is a human service agency?

Human service agency is broadly defined, uniquely approaching the objective of meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations.
The Human Services profession is one which promotes improved service delivery systems by addressing not only the quality of direct services, but also by seeking to improve accessibility, accountability, and coordination among professionals and agencies in service delivery.




CONTENT (50 points)

The written report covers each element of the outline below.  Ideas are cohesive, clearly presented and relevant to the chosen topic.  When typing, include subheadings to distinguish between each category.  Papers written collectively must be edited so that they read as a single work. 

  1. Introduction
  2. Definitions, history and statistics
  3. Effect on child’s physical, social and emotional development
  4. Effects on family structure & function

     Describe what credible research says about how your topic influences or impacts family structure (pp. 83-87, 90-103), family function (socialization/education, social roles, economic support, nurturance/emotional support pp. 87-90), macrosystems influences on families (pp. 105-116), parenting (pp. 126-137), family dynamics (pp. 140-155) and family characteristics (pp. 144-147). 

  • Conclusion

REFERENCES (15 points)

A minimum of six reference sources are required.

  • Professional Journal (6)  Examples of professional peer reviewed journals are Exceptional Children, Child Abuse Review, Journal of Child & Family Studies, Journal of Family Violence, Child Study Journal, Developmental Psychology, Health Psychology, etc.
    • Do not include sources that do not fit the requirement above.
  • Course textbook (1)
  • A book (1)
  • Personal interview from community agency representative (1)
  • Follow APA style guidelines to cite research throughout the paper.  Cite the source for every idea, fact, concept, thought, or production that originates somewhere outside of you.  Cite source for every quote, paraphrase, and summary that is not your own

Students may use reference sources in addition to the required 6 references listed above.  All sources should be no older than be 2-5 years.  Older sources are acceptable for historic or comparative references only and may be used in addition to the 6 minimum required.  Peer reviewed journal studies should focus mainly on U.S. children and families. 

FORMAT (20 points)

The report must be typed, double-spaced with 1” right, left and top and bottom margins and a standard 12 point font (Times Roman, Arial or Century Gothic).  The written response should be clear and thorough using proper grammar, correct spelling and whole sentences in paragraph format.  Length is 6-7 pages, not including reference page.  Tips for success when writing your paper:

  • Use APA style referencing (see attached).  Cite the source for every idea, fact, concept, thought, or production that originates somewhere outside of you.  Cite source for every quote, paraphrase, and summary that is not your own.
  • Cite all factual information, must use intext citations
  • Research papers are objective and DO NOT include personal opinions and personal references such as “I”, “me”, “my”.
  • Carefully proofread your final draft even after using grammar and spell check.

Sequence of Pages in the Research Paper

  • Cover page:  List name (or names if completed collaboratively), date, and course section.
  • Body of Work (5-7 pages)
  • Reference page
  • Agency Summary Sheet


Identify a human service agency that provides support for children and families connected with your written report.  The agency must be a local agency (although it can be part of larger organization).  Arrange a telephone conversation with a representative from the agency to learn about the type of facility, services available, staffing, qualifications, etc.  One agency report required per presentation. 

  • A interview with an agency representative is required; list the name of the individual you interview.
  • Reference the individual you interview in the reference section of the paper.

Child 1

Community Agency Report Outline and Rubric

Early Childhood Education Professionals are often called upon to provide resources for families in many situations outside of the classroom. For this assignment, each student will research a specific community agency, related to their umbrella and specific topic chosen for the Research. Once the agency is chosen, research may begin. Students must follow the format attached.

The report will be graded as follows:

50 points

5 points – College Level Writing Standards

5 points- Agency is related to the students research topic and is local to the Mt. Sac Campus

20 points- Agency description and information is complete and correct (includes contact names and emails/phone numbers, hours of operation, etc.)

20 points- The report is not copied and pasted from the agency website, but the student has clearly contacted the agency and has created a comprehensive report.

Community Agency Template

Be sure your Paper contains the following information:

  • Name and location of agency
  • What is their purpose or mission? (What do they do?)
  • Clientele served
  • Hours and days of operation
  • How would someone access the services
  • Fees or costs
  • Contact information (phone, email, names)
  • Website
  • How is the agency funded
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Any other helpful information about the agency

For full points- follow the list as posted above.


WRITTEN REPORT                              

         Mental Health in Children


Raising a child can be challenging because their emotions and behaviors can change rapidly and frequently, even under the best circumstances. Even though this can be viewed as just a typical developmental phase, such changes in behavior and emotions may indicate more serious problems in some children. Thus mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, eating disorder, mood disorder, and post-traumatic disorders (PTSD) can begin in childhood (Ryan et al., 2017).  Without efficient treatment and attention, these mental health conditions can be an obstacle to children reaching their full potential. Thus this paper will analyze mental health conditions in children and their effects on child development and family structure and function.

                                Definitions, History, and Statistics

Mental health in children is often defined as different from mental health in adults because of varying developmental milestones in the two life stages; thus, it entails the complete wellbeing of a child and the optimal development in social, cognitive, and emotional domains (Schaefer et al., 2017). Some of the aspects of a child’s life that shape or impact their mental health include family, community, and society in general. Children may experience mental health problems that hinder emotional and psychological development, behavior, and social relationships. According to Schaefer et al. (2017), when these problems become more serious, persistent, and lead to impaired functioning of a child, they are referred to as mental health disorders.

Regarding the history of mental health in children, it can be viewed in terms of children’s place in society, our understanding of the development, and nonmedical fields such as juvenile education. Most historians state that more focus on mental health in children started in 1899 in the US when the state of Illinois introduced the first juvenile court in the nation (George & Durham, 2016). Over the next two generations, child guidance clinics rapidly grew after integrating non-physicians such as teachers and social scientists, following the increasing interest in understanding the origin, prevention, and treatment of mental health conditions in children…………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

                                   Effect on Child Development

Sound mental health in children shapes the architecture of their developing brains and also influences other developmental domains. …………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

                              Effects on Family Structure and Function

Family dynamics are significant to a child’s mental health in both negative and positive ways.  …………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:


                                                      ACMH Report

Many human service agencies are addressing the issue of mental health in children in relation to their families, but of interest is Association for Children’s Mental Health (ACMH). ACMH is a non-profit organization located at 6017 W. St. Joe Highway Lansing, Michigan (Association for Children’s Mental Health (ACMH), 2021). ACMH addresses mental health in children and adolescents, and their families by providing support, advocacy, information, and resources. This agency was founded in 1989 by mothers who aimed to help, encourage and improve the relationships between family members of children with mental health disorders and professionals. Their efforts aimed to ensure that children with mental health challenges and their families can access the supports and services they require.

ACMH’s main purpose is to bring hope and provide help to families of children with serious emotional, mental health, and behavioral disorders. This non-profit family organization is dedicated to meeting the needs of families with children and youth with mental health disorders especially because of the unique developmental milestones, particularly in children; it can be challenging for parents to identify and offer help to them. In order to empower knowledge, skills, and information, ACMH provides services such as Parent-to-Parent support, opportunities for youth leadership and involvement, family support assistance, advocacy and groups, outreach, referral, information dissemination and systems advocacy and networking, leadership and education opportunities such as annual conference, leadership camps, and regional training. ACMH’s mission is to ensure that all children and youths with mental health problems and their families in Michigan live in a safe and welcoming community with necessary support and services (ACMH, 2021) …………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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