Psychological First Aid (RAPID Model) PFA Paper



Objective: Investigate PFA as an effective crisis/trauma intervention.    

Mindset: Value how PFA works in addressing crisis/trauma issues in victims.                          


You briefly discussed PFA in the discussion for the week. Now you will delve deeper into this intervention and why it is considered effective in crisis/trauma recovery.

  • Review Everly & Lating, Ch. 4-8
  • Watch the video of Everly’s RAPID PFA Model (Links to an external site.)
  • Write a 3-4-page paper on the RAPID Model of Psychological First Aid. Define in depth what PFA is and how effective it is as a therapeutic intervention for victims of crisis and trauma.
  • Include at least two scholarly sources that support your writing.
  • Use the Paper Writing rubric to guide your efforts and apply the required formatting style.


Psychological First Aid

When a crisis and disaster strikes, the burden of psychological distress is greater than the physical distress. Additionally, in the wake of a crisis, Everly Jr and Lating (2017) state that an estimated 25% of the people directly impacted by the crisis will need some form of acute psychological intervention, and the affected population can highly prosper from psychological first aid (PFA). Additionally, emergency responders, including healthcare professionals, are at a greater risk of vicarious trauma and stress developed from helping people on such bad days. The traditional psychological care models have emerged inadequate in dealing with crisis and trauma (Everly Jr & Kennedy, 2019). PFA is the new paradigm that was sought to help the affected population during a crisis as well as protect the emergency responders from trauma. PFA is the supportive and compassionate help designed to help reduce acute distress and assess the need for continued psychological intervention (Everly Jr & Lating, 2017).  This model of psychological care does not involve diagnosis or treatment, but it aims at enhancing resilience.  

While there is a development of many models of PFA in the modern, Johns Hopkins RAPID model of PFA is a unique one that entails a platform solidly grounded on evidence-informed components, statistical and theoretical modeling, and empirically validated clinical steps designed to help individuals in acute distress alongside enhancing community and organizational resilience. According to Everly Jr and Lating (2017), the world is experiencing a phenomenon of surge due to the increasing number of crises and disasters. Furthermore, in the wake of a disaster, mental health casualties will be experienced compared with physical casualties, but this varies with the cause of the disaster; thus, PFA is important in preventing further psychological disorders among victims of a crisis……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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