Primary Source Analysis



Access the primary source discussion and documents on pages 428-435 of your textbook.  These pages are only available in the second edition of the textbook.  Write an analytical essay answering questions 1, 4 and 5 on page 435, considering each of the selections in this Document Project.  Use the primary source documents as sources for your answers to these questions.  Be sure to have answers to the questions within your essay, not as listed numbers to the questions with the following answers.  In addition to answering these questions about EACH of the documents, for one of the documents answer the five questions in the attached file, “Bones of the Past.” These questions and the following short discussion of each of them in this attached file should help you understand how historians use primary sources to write about the past.  Do not answer these questions separate from the main body of your essay.  Be clear about what document you are writing in each section of your essay.  Ask the instructor if you don’t understand this.  

This is an essay, so don’t write in one long paragraph.  Have an introductory paragraph introducing the topic and at least a few of the documents or photographs and authors and a closing paragraph which sums up your paper. The paper must be at least550 words.  You will not lose points if it is longer.  The paper must be submitted as a file upload in Microsoft word [not cut and paste and not as a pdf] in order to receive credit.  STUDY THE GRADING RUBRIC BELOW BEFORE YOU WRITE.  GO OVER THE INSTRUCTOR COMMENTS ON YOUR FIST PAPER ALSO.

Bones of the Past-2.pdf   download 

Your assignments will be graded on:

spelling and grammar (10 points); Do not use “I” or “you” in these papers—write in the third person, as your textbook does.  Do not give your opinion on the topic unless it is requested in the assignment content questions found at the end of the document Just present an analysis of the primary sources as historical documents.  These are NOT opinion papers.         

introductory and closing paragraphs (8 points); Introduce to your reader the readings (and, if known, their authors) that you are discussing in your paper.  Do not assume your reader knows what you have read.  But do assume your reader knows the questions you are answering, so there is no need to write them out.   Do not write out the questions in your paper. In your closing paragraph, sum up what you have presented in the body of the paper. If you submit an essay of one long paragraph, you obviously cannot receive points for these two required paragraphs–introduction and closing.

length (550-750 words); following directions–your name, course number & date on top of first page (4 points) 

spelling/grammar/word choice:  (10 points)  Write only in third person.  No I, you, we, ,us in these analytical papers, even if the question seems to ask for your personal opinion!

completeness of answers to all questions for the documents–questions 1,  4, and 5 on page 435 (12 points).   All of the photographs in this document project are FSA [Farm Security Administration] photographs.

analysis of these documents as primary sources (16 points) This is where you would use Bones of the Past in your answer.  How do each of these primary sources help us as students of history understand the history of the lives of African Americans before World War II?

completeness of answers to all questions for the documents–questions 1,  4, and 5 on page 435 (12 points).   All of the photographs in this document project are FSA [Farm Security Administration] photographs.

analysis of these documents as primary sources (16 points) This is where you would use Bones of the Past in your answer.  How do each of these primary sources help us as students of history understand the history of the lives of African Americans before World War II?


                                 Primary Source Analysis

During the abolitionist movement, various efforts and events took place attempting to end slavery in the U.S. Even though the movement started with religious underpinnings, the fight against slavery grew to a political issue that split the country. The opposing parties engaged in heated debates and eventually violent confrontations that fueled the Civil War. This paper will analyze Chief Justice Taney’s “Opinion of the Court, Scott v. Sandford 60 U.S. 393 (1857)”, “Black Abolitionists” by Benjamin Quarles, “Official Report of the Niger Valley Exploring Party, in Search for a Place: Black Separatism and Africa” by Martin Delany and “The Destiny of Colored Americans” by Frederick Douglass to explore some of the crucial events during this period.

 At first, even though slavery had ended in the North, African Americans were still treated unfairly. They faced racial discrimination, prejudice, and negative practices from the whites. Even after writing books and trying legal causes, they were still not included in the country’s political and economic life. They were excluded in many aspects and segregated; thus, there was limited hope for them becoming American Citizens. For instance, Frederick Douglass argued in “The Destiny of Colored Americans,” one of his various works calling for equal treatment that since they were born in the U.S., this was their nation, and they deserved equal treatment. Douglass was an escaped slave; thus, speaking from a place of pre-existing credibility he writings aimed at ending slavery were diligent. Thus being a victim of slavery, he was familiar with the oppression and the common experience of the slaves. However, such a call for equal treatment and many other written works were not effective because African Americans remained at the bottom due to racial hierarchies …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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